i think some feelings will be hurt

everyone of you is beautiful to me in your own special way, which i have included

Aerosmitten- your my sis! always ready with a joke to cheer someone up

schuette- i love your free spirit, it jumps out and pulls others in

Mermaid- your smart but you don't make others feel dumb, you have a way of always making someoen feel better

PV- you make me laugh

Pan- your smart and helpful, you have a loving characteristic that can be seen through your teaching, which is beautiful itself.
awip- MUM! lol you always put others before yourself, worrying about there problems. your like everyones mum
Neilpeart_Gal- so kind and friendly, you make everyone feel like your best bud, even if you just met them

Medinaquirin- i love your creativity. you write and draw like i wish i could. your beauty is seen in your art

Xanadu- ahh my Xanny

Rushlight- your strength is an inspiration.
AK- your a sweetie! hehehe H says so! and i must agree

Kares4Rush- you have a way with people that is just amaizng. it seems like you can relate to almost anyone and offer help

2112X1mbh- your cute and sweet. at times you have almost a child like innocence that no one can resist

lest try and make this not a popularity thread soooo when you post your answer try and say something you like about the people you know but didn't choose