Modern Drummer Festival 08 DVD
Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2009 3:58 pm
I've been wallowing in rhythmic spleandour since the weekend, enjoying the eleven hour four DVD Modern Drummer Festival '08 (that I actually bought!). Apart from making me realise I'm a crap drummer
I have found such inspiration, from the likes of Will Calhoun, Simon Phillips, Derek Roddy (!) Gavin Harrison (obviously) , Thomas Pridgen and a personal new discovery, the amazingly awesome 'Styx' drummer Todd Sucherman. Being aware of the band 'Styx' in name only and believing them to be a cheesy classic rock band I admit to being momentarily stunned when he played along to a song of theirs and I may just check them out. It was when he performed a piece of music entitled 'Tears Of Joy' when I became a convert, check it out on youtube.
I'm fully expecting someone here to advise me on a decent 'Styx' album or two?
But I digress, found out that Todd Sucherman contributes to so I messaged him, offering praise and asking if the 'Tears' song was available to purchase, even admitting I ripped the audio from the DVD just to get the track and he replied most kindly:
Ogg--Thanks for the kind words. Sorry to disappoint but an audio track will be impossible. I don't "own" the piece of music, and the red tape of lawyers and publishers would not make it cost effective really. I hope you decide to pick up the DVD direct from us here:
A similar version of "Tears" is on it with some different fills---although the DVD and the MD fest were pretty close to each other and I didn't have time to really re-work it. But it's over 5 hours of all I've got! So hope you pick it up and dig it.
Thanks again for your lovely compliments!
Cheers from Calgary,
How cool is that?
Right, off to email t and Hairy 'Tears Of Joy

Todd Sucherman ... erman.html

I'm fully expecting someone here to advise me on a decent 'Styx' album or two?
But I digress, found out that Todd Sucherman contributes to so I messaged him, offering praise and asking if the 'Tears' song was available to purchase, even admitting I ripped the audio from the DVD just to get the track and he replied most kindly:
Ogg--Thanks for the kind words. Sorry to disappoint but an audio track will be impossible. I don't "own" the piece of music, and the red tape of lawyers and publishers would not make it cost effective really. I hope you decide to pick up the DVD direct from us here:
A similar version of "Tears" is on it with some different fills---although the DVD and the MD fest were pretty close to each other and I didn't have time to really re-work it. But it's over 5 hours of all I've got! So hope you pick it up and dig it.
Thanks again for your lovely compliments!
Cheers from Calgary,
How cool is that?

Right, off to email t and Hairy 'Tears Of Joy ... erman.html