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Still awaiting...
Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2003 11:56 am
by Ogg
It's a bugger that the site was down. Sill devouring the live cd and forever awaiting the release of the dvd. I managed to find a high quality video of the O Baterista solo though. Watched it everyday just to marvel at he crossover technique. Still over a week til the release but at least BT is back up again. There is a Ged after all.
Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2003 1:55 pm
by by-tor
Wait until you see Disc 2 of the DVD, where you can choose from three different angles of the solo....and change the angle mid-solo.
Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2003 1:37 pm
by KaelMwithascrubbrush
I knew you would appreciate the cross-overs.
Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2003 3:25 pm
by neilpeart_gal
Just as I appreciated the multi-angle shots!
DUH-rool THUD, indeed!!!
Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2003 8:30 pm
by AK
by-tor wrote:Wait until you see Disc 2 of the DVD, where you can choose from three different angles of the solo....and change the angle mid-solo.
Ahh, what a great feature.
A smokin DVD
Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2003 2:00 am
by Phildogger
When you finally do get it, enjoy!!!
Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2003 5:10 am
by schuette
not long now till it's released here.....
Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2003 12:48 pm
by Kares4Rush
Schu, I can't wait! You're going to be sooo happy. Sit tight. You're going to "freak."
Immortal taught me to use the Geddycam during YYZ.
Oooh! Ah!