Anyone catch the differences in Alex's playing of "La Villa"on the R30 archive video and on the "Rio" performance?
The R30 archived footage shows Alex at the time of its release, playing a relatively conservative tune, staying with the album...
On "Rio", he shreds it....spicing it up with cool fills and speed...I can understand that --after playing it for YEARS, but the difference is astounding...I really dig the latter version....They did it that way at the Vapor Trails show...
The more I watch it, the more I see that Alex is NOT a conventional guitarist...He plays it HIS way, and that's what sets Lerxt aside from all the others...
not to worry dude....awip turned me on to VH1 Classic, and if you have it, they've played R30 (SOME of it, naturally...they're not gonna ruin a cash cow)a couple of times.....check the listing to see when it comes back on...
I liked Frampton....Especially when I saw him playing for Bowie on the Ziggy Stardust Reunion Tour some years ago...Too bad he couldn't follow the success of FCA...
He was still sharp as ever....He had another punk-looking dude playing rhythm that was awesome too...
WillHolt wrote:You're welcome. I always line up the mp3 of "One Little Victory" and the movie, and see if I can re-create the effect. Brings me chills everytime.