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Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2003 11:10 pm
by by-tor
Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2003 11:16 pm
by PV
All right By-tor!
Keep on trying!
I just hope the internet connection holds together during your question. This stupid thing won't stop buffering!
Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2003 12:08 am
by by-tor
Got thru a second time...told the lady I got disconnected, she put me back thru, and I sat on hold for a bit. I hear some guy start to ask a question about releasing other mixes of the tour, but change course and ask why everyone is getting banned from the 'official site', and they cut him off. Right after that, the DJ comes on the phone and asks, "Is this John?". I say yes, but before I can say another thing, he says, "We won't be using your question tonight." and hangs up. My question had to do with the discussion we've had going on here about Rush doing covers of other bands. Guess after the guy asking about people being banned, they didn't want someone else from the web.
You know, with all that's been going on with the other message boards, SRO's turning a deaf ear to that problem, Bob Farmer invading the Counterparts message board, Geddy and Alex not wanting to answer questions about the problems on their own site, etc. etc., I'm beginning to wonder if the time and money I spend for this site, for them, is worth it anymore. How much longer before Bob Farmer comes here? How much longer before SRO calls me, and tells me that I cannot use the name 'by-tor' in my web address?
Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2003 12:08 am
by by-tor
PV wrote:All right By-tor!
Keep on trying!
I just hope the internet connection holds together during your question. This stupid thing won't stop buffering!
Yeah, mine was doing that too. The recording is shot.
Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2003 3:43 am
by Kares4Rush
Crawpawmighty, I heard that guy "slick" that "stiupid" comment in! Whether it was justified or not I thought it REALLY stupid and selfish a comment for those who had been in line!
by-tor, I'm sorry you got yours swiked! The guy was a "Howard Stern'esue" DICK that needed his name or voice on the raadio.
Thanks again if you can put it up for us.
Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2003 7:38 am
by neilpeart_gal
by-tor wrote:
You know, with all that's been going on with the other message boards, SRO's turning a deaf ear to that problem, Bob Farmer invading the Counterparts message board, Geddy and Alex not wanting to answer questions about the problems on their own site, etc. etc., I'm beginning to wonder if the time and money I spend for this site, for them, is worth it anymore. How much longer before Bob Farmer comes here? How much longer before SRO calls me, and tells me that I cannot use the name 'by-tor' in my web address?
It disturbs me as well that the band obviously knows what is going getting their access yanked from the official sites...and don't seem to care. I should be ready to do backflips hearing that Rush is touring next year, and while a part of me is excited, the other part of me is disappointed that they don't seem to care about their hardest core fans. At least not the ones who DARE to question 'authority'. I mean, isn't that what Rush is supposedly all about? Free thinking and discussion??
I hope this site isn't brought into the fray, either, since it has been largely neutral. But quite frankly, it wouldn't surprise me one bit if you are their next victim.
Truly sad state of affairs.
Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2003 7:54 am
by Me
Alot has been said one way or another about this or that in my opinon it all comes down to $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
Even touring don't you all fool yourselves and I'll take an Evian on Evian rocks thanks
The true Me
Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2003 8:34 am
by neilpeart_gal
You're probably right, Me.
But what's funnier is that major $$$$$$$$$$$$$ is on the line for the band. If they keep up the policy of banning people from their official sites based upon admin whims, why should these same people spend their hard earned $$ on CDs, DVDs and concert tickets?
Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2003 9:00 am
by Me
This is true but doubt that would happen. Myself instead of going to four Rush concerts. Next year I'll keep it to two or maybe even one. I'd like to see new music from them myself. It will be interesting to see what direction their music will go now after Vapor Trails. With the advent of the web sites I wonder if they address that in a new song. Some of their songs now suggest restraint.
Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2003 9:02 am
by Me
Thanks for fixing that big money by-tor
Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2003 9:28 am
by wcp
ya i heard that dude get cut off to, anyone we know? lol
i would have liked to hear what geddy had to say, sounded like he was formulating a response in his head but the interviewer cut him off and went to commercial....hmm wonder waht he would have said.
Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2003 11:55 am
by neilpeart_gal
Yeah, I know who it was.
It doesn't seem plausible, I'm sure Me, that Rush will ever lose $ due to this. But I can prove that it already has. I know SEVERAL people who have not bought RIR and don't plan to. These are die hard fans who feel so let down by the band that they don't care about their new releases or even a tour. It has to be pretty bad when the diehards are falling away.
Sorry for discussing it all here, By-tor. I'll be quiet now and go away. I certainly don't want to get this site in trouble.
Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2003 12:16 pm
by by-tor
neilpeart_gal wrote:Sorry for discussing it all here, By-tor. I'll be quiet now and go away. I certainly don't want to get this site in trouble.
I'm not worried about any discussion on this matter going on here. I never have, and never will restrict what you can and cannot say here just as long as it isn't personal attacks on another member, or it doesn't turn into a flame war. If I disallow civil conversations about any topic, then there isn't much use for me to have this site.
As far as getting this site into trouble, I have already emailed SRO, letting my contact know about where I stand in this whole mess, and told them that if it is the wish of the band, I will pull the plug on this site. Thumbing your nose at authority is one thing, but devoting your time and effort to build a tribute to someone or something who doesn't want it, and doesn't support it is just silly.
Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2003 1:13 pm
by neilpeart_gal
10-4 good buddy. I hope all of you know me well enough by now to know that I would never personally attack someone here who I had a difference of opinion with. That's just not my style. We are all entitled to our opinions, and mine is no more right than anyone elses.
I think that is exactly what you SHOULD do, By-tor. Sometimes I even wonder why I devote the time and energy I do to a band who doesn't really care if I'm a fan or not. But the overriding attitude I have is that I love the music, I will always love Neil, so I guess I'll always be suckered into supporting them in one way or another.
But to put the time and effort into something like this site only to have it treated with disdain would be something I could not bear. I don't blame you at all, man.
You're a class act.
Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2003 2:33 pm
by awip2062
I don't think that most people here would want to hurt anyone else even those who differ in opinions. One of the things I like about this site is that we all basically ged along and we have discussed some things that are controversial without flaming each other. I also like that By-tor allows us the freedom to be stupid or whatever. Thanks, By-Tor. And I will understand completely if you pull this site for the reasons you mentioned above.