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Fav Quotes Anyone?

Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2004 8:11 pm
by Lady M
I was just thinking about some of my favourite quotes and was curious to know if any of you had some favourites and if you'd like to share them too :) Here's some of mine:

"No pessimist ever discovered the secret of the stars, or sailed to an uncharted land, or opened a new doorway for the human spirit."

"Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved."

"When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us."

"I am only one; but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something; I will not refuse to do something I can do."

"Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow."

"The question is not whether we will die, but how we will live."

Hope to hear some of yours :)

Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2004 8:46 pm
by Walkinghairball
"Let them eat static." from Star Trek 2 The Wrath of Kahn.

Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2004 9:15 pm
by happysmilies007
"The harder you work, the harder it is to surrender."
-Vince Lombardi baby!!

carolynn :evil:

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2004 7:51 am
by schuette
I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die.

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2004 10:31 am
by Soup4Rush
schuette wrote:I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die.

"Nobody can take our FREEDOM!!!"

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2004 4:40 pm
by happysmilies007
Soup4Rush wrote:"Nobody can take our FREEDOM!!!"
"I don't want my freedom!"

.. :P

carolynn :evil:

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2004 5:40 pm
by DutchRush
It's an ill wind, that blows everybody down....and even more so, there is NO hair on a Seagull's chest....or this one ! There's always someone worse off than yourself...I could write down a few Dutch ones, but apart from "my" Dawney, no one else would understand :-D


Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2004 6:28 am
by Me
The soup of the days events becomes the chowder of our dreams.

Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2004 8:24 am
by schuette
Soup4Rush wrote:

"Nobody can take our FREEDOM!!!"
the whole quote :-D

William Wallace: Sons of Scotland, I am William Wallace.
Young soldier: William Wallace is 7 feet tall.
William Wallace: Yes, I've heard. He kills men by the hundreds, and if he were here he'd consume the English with fireballs from his eyes and bolts of lightning from his arse. I am William Wallace, and I see a whole army of my countrymen here in defiance of tyranny. You have come to fight as free men, and free men you are. What will you do with that freedom? Will you fight?
Soldier: Fight against that? No, we will run and we will live.
William: Aye, fight and you may die, run and you'll live. at least a while.
and dying in your beds many years from now, would you be
willing to trade all the days from this day to that for one chance,
just one chance to come back here and tell our enemies that they
may take our lives, but they'll never take our FREEDOM!!!

Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2004 10:44 am
by by-tor
You see Danny, I can deal with the bullets, and the bombs, and the blood. I don't want money, and I don't want medals. What I do want is for you to stand there in that faggoty white uniform and with your Harvard mouth extend me some fucking courtesy. You gotta ask me nicely.

Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2004 10:45 am
by Soup4Rush
Schu You are sooooooo cool. I am going to watch BraveHeart tonight.

Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2004 10:46 am
by Soup4Rush
by-tor wrote:
You see Danny, I can deal with the bullets, and the bombs, and the blood. I don't want money, and I don't want medals. What I do want is for you to stand there in that faggoty white uniform and with your Harvard mouth extend me some fucking courtesy. You gotta ask me nicely.

and after Braveheart, I am going to watch a Few Good Men...

Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2004 7:48 pm
by Walkinghairball
"Awesome.................... totally awesome" !!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2004 2:27 am
by Fridge
Life is like an excrement sandwich....

The more bread you have the less shit you eat :roll:

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2004 8:03 am
by schuette
It could be worse. A woman could cut off your penis while you're sleeping and toss it out the window of a moving car.