EndlesslyRocking wrote:You were making the exact reverse argument two weeks ago. You remember, when the A's were up 3 games?
After the past 4 years, I'm sure even
you didn't expect the A's to have a late season melt-down.
EndlesslyRocking wrote:Punk'd in your own crib. Come on, that's gotta hurt a little. Let's see it!
Sorry, you'll have to get your fix somewhere else. After our series against Texas, and Seattle, I was ready for a let down against the Halo's. Disappointed? Yeah. Suprised? I would have been two or more weeks ago, but not now. Hell, the LSU loss hurt me worse than this did.
EndlesslyRocking wrote:Actually, I wish we drew the Yankees first. We own those chumps.
The BoSox are another matter entirely.
Y'all are 5-4 vs the Spankees this year, and 4-5 vs the Sox. Do all PAC-10 fans see a 1 game swing as 'owned' or 'punked'?
Your pitchers are tired, and you only have one or two hitters who might be able to help you against the Sox...it'll be a short series....want me to reserve you some time on the golf course with the A's?
To tell the truth, it may be a bit better for me that the A's didn't make it. I wouldn't have admited this if they were in the playoffs right now, but I didn't give them a shot in hell of beating Boston or New York, and I was bracing myself for yet another first round bounce.
EndlesslyRocking wrote:See you all later!
Won't be that much later.
Guess I'm cheering for....well...fuck, I don't really like anyone in the playoffs this year. If Mac was still with the Cards, I'd pull for them...if the Astro's wern't from Texas, and didn't have Clemens, I'd pull for them. Maybe the Dodgers? Nah, '88 is still fresh in my memory.