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Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 5:55 am
by CygnusX1
Sigette's wigging out on me....She can't watch any more of it.
It got too "evil" and "bloody" for her.
The last episode was
off the hook. I think they were making up for
last-week-episode-lameness, and they DID.
Looks like I'll be watching alone from here on out.
Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2010 6:29 am
by CygnusX1
Well, I got Sigette back on board and Season 3 is off and running like a scalded dog!
Wow! They wasted
no time in the plot turns!
Hey Rushlight - The werewolves....They're
Bill had to leave Sookie and is now the Vampire "Sheriff" in Mississippi.
(I think Eric is moving in for the "kill" now! heh heh)
They're still leaving us hanging at the end of every episode - just
as always!
I'm lovin' every minute of it.
Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2010 2:09 pm
by rushlight
It'll get better and better. Haven't read the latest book yet.
Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 4:17 am
by CygnusX1
rushlight wrote:
It'll get better and better. Haven't read the latest book yet.
It's starting to get a little dark!
Bill spilled the beans about Eric and Pam's "V" dealing!
It's ON!
Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 10:52 pm
by rushlight
So Sookie is starting to show some power hmm? Looks like they will reveal the secret early. Showdown between Lorena and Sookie now hmm? Heh heh.
Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2010 9:50 am
by CygnusX1
rushlight wrote:So Sookie is starting to show some power hmm? Looks like they will reveal the secret early. Showdown between Lorena and Sookie now hmm? Heh heh.
Oh RL it just gets better (and more intense) every week! \m/
Tara is a badass!
Then...Lorena puts the bite on Sookie when she comes to help Bill! OUCH!
Then...they left us hanging again. DAMN YOU TRUE BLOOD! lol
Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 12:22 pm
by rushlight
Lorena is finally dead right? They sort of got it like the book. In the book, Lorena catches Sookie about to until Bill and she attacks. Sookie just grabs a stake, points it at Lorena just as she's about to hit into her and she gets staked.
The things about Bill nearly draining Sookie is a bit different. In the book, Sookie escapes with Bill and is about to put him in the car when someone pushes her and Bill into the trunk locking them in. Bill does what he did in the show but he also forces himself on her until he eventually comes to his senses.
The thing with Claudine, I thought they would have left it to next season because she and Crystal are in book 4. Oh well. What did you think of the fairy thing?
Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2010 4:17 am
by CygnusX1
Yep, Lorena (and Tara's vampire "fiancee") met a grisly end. lol
They're fairies? Wow. I thought they were angels or something. I was
wondering why Sookie let Lorena attack her until I saw her drink the
water and get her "mojo" back.
It was interesting that they warned sookie to come with them to escape
the "darkness" (when Bill gave her his vamp blood and Sookie regained
conciousness and screamed)
And Bill walking in the sunlight...what the...? Is he going to be a
daywalker? it was funny how Tara was still hopped up on V and kicked
Bill out of the truck...then she told the werewolf dude she hoped Bill was
a pile of ash (for draining Sookie and hurting her)....hahaha
The doctor saying that Sookie had no blood type was interesting too.
On True Blood "Post Mortem" (after the show), they had a "tribute" to Bill
and Lorena. LOL Did you stick around and see that? Good times.
I'm starting to become a Eric fan. He's getting more and more
involved in the story. Excellent actor! \m/
And the Jason/Crystal subplot ought to be good too.
It's getting more intense by the week. And again, they left us
hanging until next week.

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2010 3:03 pm
by rushlight
Franklin was just a vampire that hung around with Tara in the book. I thought of him as more of a coward and he left her in the lurch. (book 3 or 4)
Bill's definitely not an angel.

He's hiding something. They are making it so obvious.
I love Eric. Ever since I read Dead to the World which is book 4. Something big is coming.

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 4:08 am
by CygnusX1
Yeah...Franklin...that was Tara's "fiancee" hahaha I assume he's dead
now - since Tara smashed his head to jelly - right? hahaha
After the Vampire King had Bill taken away to be executed by Lorena, the
King showed Sookie a file Bill has been compiling on her. I thought that
was interesting, unless the King made it all up on the spot.
And yes, Bill is definitely hiding something.
Yeah, Sigette and I like Eric. I look for him to "dispatch" the King soon,
and I can see Sookie and Bill helping him, but the King seems
untouchable at this point.
Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 8:02 am
by Walkinghairball
Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 8:17 am
by CygnusX1
Oh you're gonna be HOOKED Bro. It's awesome from the FIRST FIVE MINUTES!
(How'd you like that vampire s*x in episode 1? huh? Was that freaky or WHAT? LMAO
Welcome to True Blood Nation.
Hey RL...Guess we'd better keep the "spoilers" on the
DL from now on.

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 8:48 am
by Walkinghairball
Don't worry about spoilers....................I have catching up to do. I saw a few snippits of episodes way back and showed them to Marnie. We both like vampire stuff so this was a winner from the get.
Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 8:55 am
by CygnusX1
We play a little drinking game here when my friends come over to watch
TB in the mancave...
Every time Bill calls Sookie "suck-ee" in that southern drawl of his, we all
throw horns up \m/ and take a shot. Good times.
Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 8:58 am
by CygnusX1
Walkinghairball wrote:Don't worry about spoilers....................I have catching up to do.
Yeah Bro, about two and a half seasons' worth! hahaha But it'll be fun
(and INTENSE) catching up.