Signed up for Facebook- registered for my class (1991), and sat back.
I honestly expected to get no adds as a friend from my class (I loathed high school with a passion...loathed it)- two weeks go by, and nothing.
The last two people on earth I expected to asked me to add them from my class.
I honestly don't know what to make of this. (I added them- on the thought that its been almost 20 years and people change.) Still, I was a miserable bastard in high school (and I did it to myself). They asked me to attend a mini reunion- again, I don't know what to make of this.
(sorry if I am babbling...I just need a different spin on this)
Can anyone shed some light as to why I should attend? I am just really confused right now.
Reasons to attend:
(1)people do change, they may have
(2)because you are curious as to what has gone on in the lives of the others from your class
I have changed too- but am I comfortable in that situation? Not yet. There's more work to be done here- let's just say that for a very long time my self esteem wasn't the greatest and it took some very understanding people to start to bring me out of it.
awip2062 wrote:When an elevator is overloaded with passengers who is criminally responsible?
The last passenger who got on.
A good lawyer would point out the frail stature of this last person, and expound on the neglectful, irresponsible self-care of a couple portly individuals who had already been aboard.
How could this frail, skinny person possibly be held accountable for the demised brought on in part by the excessive eating habits of others?