I checked on Judge Patterson. He was born in 1923. Looking at his biography, I can tell he's a man worthy of respect. But he's also old. I can comletely imagine my father (roughly the same age) being baffled by an attempt to read Harry Potter as well. Though his mind has not gone, I'm sure the language in the book would baffle him. And though I have tremendous respect for my father, if he were on the bench, I'd probably think it was time for him to retire. Hopefully, Judge Patterson will retire soon as well.
Wow. Looks like Hill. I didn't expect that. Ah, well at least John will have a run for his money. To use an Obama word, I HOPE we have a Dem prez this time, and the dragon lady may be the one out of the two dems to squeak through and lead the country.
It is getting more and more difficult to care. Sounds heartless, but if you think about it, you may be starting to feel that way too.
It's likely that Hill won yesterday due to a lot of Republicans switching party affiliation so that they could vote for her. Not because they want her for president, but because all of the Democrat internal fighting has been great for the Republican party. They don't want to see it end. They want the Hillary-Obama war to continue, right up to the convention.
Sir Myghin wrote:whens this election stuff actually happen, september or sometime in fall?
November 2 I think.
In Canada they keep the campaigns a lot shorter I'm told. Some days I think that sounds really smart, and other times I think you're not given enough time to really know the candidates.
Maybe a couple months beforehand for us and such, to be fair last federal campaign was slightly before I came of age. The US campaign seems to have been going on forever.
Edit : Never mind last federal campaign I didn't get registered to vote and there was a big mix-up, forgot about that. Probably for the better as I didn't pay enough attention, busy with failing out of school and such.
Edit Edit: did some homework, we have a minimum campaign length of 36 days. There is no maximum length law, but the longest was 74 days in 1926. Most hover around 60 days.
ElfDude wrote:Candidates for president in the US start campaigning about 2 years before the general election. It's nuts.
Oh no its the middle of that guys term! better start campaigning!, that seems excessively long, whereas ours seems excessively short. Yours gives the candidates more time to slip, ours less time to spill 'secrets'. However ours have to work much harder to get your attention as they have so little time I thinks. whereas eventually you will know just about everything about each of your candidates.
They still haven't been able to extinguish that crappy Olympic torch. Maybe we can get Alex to fly overhead and dump a keg of beer on it. It's not the torch itself that I have a problem with, but the passing and trotting it around.
The relay of the flame from Greece to the site of the modern games had no ancient precedent and was introduced by Carl Diem, with the support of Joseph Goebbels, at the controversial Berlin Olympics as a means to promote Nazi ideology. And everyone I know thinks that this is some patriotic, American tradition, and are also even oblivious as to why some may want to protest it
I usually just tell them to turn from the Cartoon Network to CNN or MSNBC or even FoxNews, but "Doug" is on and they can't be bothered.