Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2008 8:38 am
awip2062 wrote:Didya see Neil's grin when he was interviewing them?
*sighs and drools* Neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeil....

It's all about the Rush
awip2062 wrote:Didya see Neil's grin when he was interviewing them?
*sighs and drools* Neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeil....
Mike and I sat right up and commented on that too! I'm like, "He can't be too much of a fan if he can't say Neil's name right!"walkinghairball wrote:awip2062 wrote:
I just watched the show and that was HILARIOUS!
Neil has a drum dependency! LOL What a killer intervention. hehe
Thanks for the link for sure, BBBro
PS: What kind of biggest fan ever doesn't know Neil's favorite color?!!? Shocked
Or how to pronounce his name!!!!!!!
That was classic!!! Thanks so much for sharing that!!!Big Blue Owl wrote:Colbert began his show last night asleep at his desk, Rush blasting away in the background with the ending of Tom Sawyer, as though they'd been playing it all night and the next day. He woke up after the five beginning notes of Cygnus X1 (that ends Tom), runs over, thanks them and shakes their hands individually. Then you get his traditional theme song and he appears at his desk shaving, then, picks up a newspaper and begins to read. After 30 seconds he reaches over and "flushes the toilet!"
My dad has hats like that, without the snakes and arrows on em, they are like mechanic hats, help keep stuff out of your hair, absorb sweat yet have no peaks or anything to get in the way as far as I can tell.Soup4Rush wrote:where can I get a hat like Neil's?
Whoa! Hilarious!by-tor wrote: