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Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2006 7:38 am
by Walkinghairball
schuette wrote:there are people who are really poor in Scotland as well but they still have's a basic commodity....and in a country such as America I think that's terrible that some people have no water


Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2006 8:15 am
by CygnusX1
Agree too, but it takes lots of time to rebuild those systems. They weren't BUILT in a year, and they won't be FIXED in a year as well. :shock:

Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2006 8:54 am
by ElfDude
Here's one I've heard asked before. Should we be rebuilding that city, or is that a stupid idea?

Supposedly it's dropping further and further below sea level as time goes by. Are we just asking for more trouble?

Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2006 9:03 am
by Me

Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2006 9:11 am
by ElfDude
I've said it before and I'll say it again. Good satire has to be based in reality to be funny.

Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2006 9:19 am
by Soup4Rush
Walkinghairball wrote:And the trees were all kept equal............................ I bet some of the people bitchin about no power or water NEVER had it prior to Katrina.

Remember, most of the people there are POOR POOR POOR!!

maybe they should have spent their FEMA checks on repairs and not hookers and spinners for their Escalades. Many I am in a vile mood. I am so sick to death of hearing about the poor people of New Orleans and their asshole mayor. The reason people died is that they did not get the fuck outta there when they were told to. The US has pumped a shitload of money into that region, how much Sigs 4.8 billion. Most of those people were on welfare and living in poverty anyway. You don't here about the people who had jobs and insurance. I mean WTF.. these are the same people they put in the Superdome and tore the place up and they were raping and killing people too. I know some people don't have the means but good lord you can't help someone who won't help themselves. Quit bitching because the US goverment did not rescue you when your dumbass decided to stand in front of a catergory 4 hurricane. Roll your sleeves up and get a job and help yourself.

Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2006 9:56 am
by CygnusX1
Soup4Rush wrote:
Walkinghairball wrote:And the trees were all kept equal............................ I bet some of the people bitchin about no power or water NEVER had it prior to Katrina.

Remember, most of the people there are POOR POOR POOR!!

maybe they should have spent their FEMA checks on repairs and not hookers and spinners for their Escalades. Many I am in a vile mood. I am so sick to death of hearing about the poor people of New Orleans and their asshole mayor. The reason people died is that they did not get the fuck outta there when they were told to. The US has pumped a shitload of money into that region, how much Sigs 4.8 billion. Most of those people were on welfare and living in poverty anyway. You don't here about the people who had jobs and insurance. I mean WTF.. these are the same people they put in the Superdome and tore the place up and they were raping and killing people too. I know some people don't have the means but good lord you can't help someone who won't help themselves. Quit bitching because the US goverment did not rescue you when your dumbass decided to stand in front of a catergory 4 hurricane. Roll your sleeves up and get a job and help yourself.

And yes, I saw the stories of abuse of the money voucher cards...IMHO, that was a national disgrace.

Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2006 10:22 am
by Me
schuette wrote:there are people who are really poor in Scotland as well but they still have's a basic commodity....and in a country such as America I think that's terrible that some people have no water
The people that take advatage of the sytem can wash their laundry in the river and drink their own piss. I'm sick and tired of working my ass off for lazy bums. If we stop feeding them hand outs sooner or later they will either get a job or be thrown in jail for a crime and how come there is so much crime? One would think that after awhile the police would have them all locked up! Seems a bit strange to me they keep coming out of the wood work ALL across America!

Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2006 10:32 am
by Soup4Rush
thats what I am talking about Kev. America is the land of oppurtunity but you have to work for it. People think they are owed something just because they live here. I get sick of hearing people say I had no chance, You had every chance I had. I did not go to college but I still manage to support myself. The only thing that seperates me from the bum standing on the corner is a job. Is New Orleans the only place in the US that has natural diasters? We have had two devestaing floods here in the past 5 years. People have insurance and they rebuild. That is what they pay the premiums for. If the insurance companies won't pay to rebuild New Orleans, that is where the goverement needs to step in and lean on the insurance company. I wonder how many people in the slums of New Orleans actually had insurance?

Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2006 11:03 am
by CygnusX1
Soup4Rush wrote: I wonder how many people in the slums of New Orleans actually had insurance?
about two, but they lied--and were denied anyway.

Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2006 2:02 pm
by awip2062
schuette wrote:there are people who are really poor in Scotland as well but they still have's a basic commodity....and in a country such as America I think that's terrible that some people have no water

I would venture to say that the number of people in the States who have no water live that way because they choose to. I know that is how it is where I grew up. We know that if we want water year 'round we have to move. Other people choose to live where there is no water for them as well. You do realize that the people in New Orleans area without water don't have to be there, aye? Washington State gave out invitations to people to move here, and we were willing to pay for their transportation here, beginning housing, and help them find jobs.

Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2006 3:12 pm
by Me
Soup4Rush wrote:thats what I am talking about Kev. America is the land of oppurtunity but you have to work for it. People think they are owed something just because they live here. I get sick of hearing people say I had no chance, You had every chance I had. I did not go to college but I still manage to support myself. The only thing that seperates me from the bum standing on the corner is a job. Is New Orleans the only place in the US that has natural diasters? We have had two devestaing floods here in the past 5 years. People have insurance and they rebuild. That is what they pay the premiums for. If the insurance companies won't pay to rebuild New Orleans, that is where the goverement needs to step in and lean on the insurance company. I wonder how many people in the slums of New Orleans actually had insurance?
That is right Soup and work isn't easy, nothing was ever givin to me it has been and is hard.

A large percentage of the people that lived in the 9th ward were renters.
In some cases the people that owned the house's (if that is what you want to call them, more like termite shacks) are cashing in from insurance and the gov. There is a huge disparity among the races.... unfortunately! Again unfortunately some people want to keep it that way.

Never the less we all have the opportunity to work and crawl out of poverty it isn't easy, no matter your race. I washed dishes, dug ditches, painted, cleaned toilets, fought forest fires, electricity, plumbing, carpentry, landscaping, nuclear subs, weapon systems, flagged traffic, drove trucks, delivered newspapers and I'm sure I left out a job or two some times with good people, alot of times not. Seems like alot of people don't like to see others get ahead.

Alls I can say is F%*$ them and keep working as it is better than hand outs.

Just a bit of encouragement

Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2006 12:15 pm
by CygnusX1
ZIPPY chance of 'em putting low-income housing back where it once stood.

Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2006 12:23 pm
by ElfDude
Nobody answered my question. :(

Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2006 12:27 pm
by CygnusX1
ElfDude wrote:Nobody answered my question. :(
forgive the ignorance on this end, but what was the question? :shock: :?