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Posted: Tue May 19, 2009 6:44 am
by CygnusX1
rushlight wrote:Hey Siggy, have you seen this?
Hi RL!

Yeah, I have it in my favorites, but I avoid the spoilers.

Posted: Tue May 19, 2009 6:58 am
by CygnusX1
EJLUVSRUSH wrote:Is True Blood really that good? I LOVE vampire and werewolf stuff, An American Werewolf in London being a classic, but I wasn't sure what to think of True Blood.

And Rushlight...i've seen some older posts of yours while I was poking around (kinda new) and it's VERY nice to meet you.
RL is the resident expert (as she's read the books AND watched the
shows), but I'm hooked on it because it blows the living shit out of any
other vampire show in EXISTENCE, as a movie OR a series.

It's not for the kiddies, so don't EVEN TRY comparing it to "Twilight."

True Blood PISSES on "Twilight" and the other "PG-13" vampire
offerings. ***yawns***

Absolutely pisses on 'em. :twisted: Get real and get some "True Blood."

See ya when you catch up to season two.

RL, I'm almost with ya! We should be on the same page soon. :)

Posted: Tue May 19, 2009 10:51 am
Yeah......I couldn't be PAID to watch Twilight. I think that whole thing and the way all the little girls go crazy about the guy that's in that movie is ridiculous. It's an insult to all vampires everywhere.

I'm defenitely checking out true blood.

Posted: Tue May 19, 2009 10:55 am
rushlight wrote:Nice to meet you too EJ. :-) I haven't been around much since rush isn't busy at the moment.

I'll tell you a bit about myself. I'm 32 and from San Antonio. I have a boyfriend from the U.K. and we've been together for nearly 6 years now. We visit each others countries every year and it'll be my turn. :-) We met through our love of rush. He used to post here but eventually quit. He's the Devil's Advocate.

I love reading and I am a big fan of the sci fi show Doctor who. I also love vampires and werewolves and other mysterious creatures that come out in the books. Years ago, I read Dead Until Dark and loved every bit of it. That is the book that started True Blood. There are a total of 9 books so that ought to give True Blood fans something to smile about.

I'm not sure if there is a photo of me on this board now. I might have to hunt for it. If not, I'll post one. Welcome aboard and enjoy yourself. :-D
Thanks RushLight. As for myself I am married to an awesome woman and am expecting our first child, a daughter, this september.

That's a pretty LOOOOOOONG distance relationship!

Posted: Tue May 19, 2009 11:00 am
by CygnusX1
EJLUVSRUSH wrote:Yeah......I couldn't be PAID to watch Twilight. I think that whole thing and the way all the little girls go crazy about the guy that's in that movie is ridiculous. It's an insult to all vampires everywhere.

I'm defenitely checking out true blood.
I won't even waste my time with Twilight.

True Blood is the POOP. :twisted:

Posted: Tue May 19, 2009 10:05 pm
by rushlight
Heh heh. You're not the only one who craves True Blood Cyg. My brother in law loves it and can hardly wait for the second season. He loved the preview I sent him.

I shall be getting the first season one of these days. I am such an Eric fan. Jason irritates me when he does something really stupid. In fact, I think he's totally stupid. :-D Dunno how Sookie puts up with it.

I tried giving Twilight a chance but I found it too boring and Bella is such a whiner. Nothing interesting happens until the end of the first book. My sister loves the books though and I bet she's already got the fourth one. I've seen plenty of ladies at work with a Twilight book and have seen how girls rushed to get the film as soon as it was out.

With the Sookie Stackhouse books, I find that the vampires do more than just stand there looking broody. Sookie is such a joy and you'd also feel bad for her when she confesses how having the gift keeps her from having human boyfriends or getting close to other friends. People think her a freak and want nothing more to do with her. At least there are a certain number of individuals who would do things for her when she thinks she has nobody to turn to. :-)

Posted: Wed May 20, 2009 5:10 am
by CygnusX1
Yes, I am eagerly awaiting season two to see what unfolds.

I'm with you on the characters RL. Something tells me that Jason is going
bye bye or to vampiredom. hahaha

He's a total screw-up. :roll: :???:

Eric is the vampire "sheriff," right? He's pretty cool, but I see a fight
coming between Eric and Bill over Sookie.

You can almost smell it. 8)

Posted: Wed May 20, 2009 11:11 am
by CygnusX1
The South Will Rise Again...and Again!

Why "True Blood" Vampires Win the War
Fri., May. 15, 2009 8:52 AM PDT, by Sara Castillo

There are plenty of vampires with amazing style, but we think there?s
something pretty special about the vamps of Bon Temps.

Here are just a few of the reasons why no other bloodsuckers can bite
their style.

They Are Genteel

Just look at Fangtasia co-owner and Eric?s right-hand-woman Pam
Ravenscroft. Ever the Southern lady, she is always immaculately
dressed, with no hair out of place. You would never see that from the
vampires in ?30 Days of Night.? Remember their ultra-dirty fingernails
that they use to play records (not to mention rip apart unsuspecting

Don?t even get me started on the female vampire in the ?30 Days? coven.
When was the last time she washed her face or combed her hair?

Just because you?re on an Alaskan vacation with an all-you-can-eat buffet
doesn?t mean you don?t have to dress for dinner! Pam wouldn?t be caught
dead in that company.

One might argue that the vampire Lestat, who was originally born into
French aristocracy must be the most elegant vampire known to man.
But, if you recall he doesn?t have the best manners. Bratty and
pompous, he tends to kill without consideration. Also, have you seen the
design of his cravat? It borders on vulgarity. We also think you?ll agree
that 17th century Frenchmen were not known for their good hygiene.

They Have Great Accents

Many vampires have wonderful accents. Consider Dracula, Lestat,
Blacula, and Barnabas Collins to name a few. Nevertheless, for us,
nothing beats the twang of a Southern fang. Consider the way that Bill
pronounces one of the dumbest character names of all time, Sookie.
Somehow, when "Suck-ie" escapes his lips, it sounds almost exotic.

They Know that Chivalry Is Undead

For most vampires, chivalry is all part of the cat and mouse game. They
offer whatever their beloved desires, but in the end all they really want is
to take a nibble from their lover?s necks. (Just goes to show, no matter
how long you?ve been dating it never really changes.)

That?s not the case with vampire Bill. He constantly strives to look after
Sookie?s well-being. Sure, the biting is nice too, but his first priority is to
make sure she?s safe. He escapes a vampire tribunal to protect her. He
walks through the sunshine to save her from a serial killer. He comes
a-callin? at Sookie?s house and meets her grandma! We don?t know about
you, but we?re not inviting Blade home with us for the weekend anytime

They Enjoy a Laid-Back Way of Life

Maybe it?s the heat, maybe it?s the romantic drape of the kudzu or the fact
that everyone is half-dressed, but southern vampires seem, well,
happier. Everything is out in the open in ?True Blood.? If they choose to,
vampires and humans can live in harmony. They have none of the
neurosis of their Northern counterparts. There?s no hiding their lifestyles
in bustling cities, going out to clubs and bars, trying to cram their feeding
into tiny apartments.

Bon Temps vampires get to hang out in plantation houses and sip mint
juleps instead of holing up in castles in remote eastern European
locations with scarcely a manservant to keep them amused. Never mind
trying living in an old deserted motel-cave and eating take-out Chinese
food like the ?Lost Boys.? Who wants to live in a vampire frat house for
eternity? When you have to deal with that kind of arrangement what?s the
point of even being undead?

In our humble opinion, the Southern vamps of ?True Blood? have a
lifestyle to die for.

Do you think we?re right?

Do you think other immortals are cooler?

Posted: Wed May 20, 2009 11:42 am
by Walkinghairball
The worst Vampires would have to be the ones in... From Dusk Till Dawn.

Posted: Wed May 20, 2009 12:57 pm
by CygnusX1
Walkinghairball wrote:The worst Vampires would have to be the ones in... From Dusk Till Dawn.
Oh pleeeze!

Salma Hayek was pure muh-ney....

but yeah, the rest of it sucked. :roll:

(No pun intended.) :-D

Posted: Wed May 20, 2009 2:02 pm
by Walkinghairball
CygnusX1 wrote:
Walkinghairball wrote:The worst Vampires would have to be the ones in... From Dusk Till Dawn.
Salma Hayek was pure muh-ney....
That she was, (prior to the change to the worst vampire make up job in history.)

Posted: Thu May 21, 2009 5:10 am
by CygnusX1
Walkinghairball wrote:
CygnusX1 wrote:
Walkinghairball wrote:The worst Vampires would have to be the ones in... From Dusk Till Dawn.
Salma Hayek was pure muh-ney....
That she was, (prior to the change to the worst vampire make up job in history.)
I totally agree. Cheech Marin was pretty hideous too. He looked WORSE
with the makeup. :roll: :lol:

Posted: Thu May 21, 2009 8:36 pm
by rushlight
I liked Fright Night. Sexy vampire neighbor just before he turns ugly looking. :P I hated the sequel with the girl vampire and her group. She didn't do much or tell the good guy that she is the sister to the previous vampire he killed.

I liked Frank Langella's Dracula and the way he was romancing the girl Lucy.

Another film, where I wasn't crazy for the vampires, was the anime Vampire D Bloodlust. Ewww.

Posted: Tue May 26, 2009 7:03 am
by CygnusX1
rushlight wrote:I liked Fright Night. Sexy vampire neighbor just before he turns ugly looking. :P I hated the sequel with the girl vampire and her group. She didn't do much or tell the good guy that she is the sister to the previous vampire he killed.

I liked Frank Langella's Dracula and the way he was romancing the girl Lucy.

Another film, where I wasn't crazy for the vampires, was the anime Vampire D Bloodlust. Ewww.
I liked FN too! (For the chicks) Didn't see the sequel though. The
original was kind of silly, so the sequel couldn't have been much better.

I enjoyed the (Bela Lugosi) Dracula and would watch it if it came on
today. That flick was SO ahead of it's time.

My dad told me it scared the hell out of people in the 40's.

These days, I enjoyed "30 Days of Night."

I liked the premise. It was practically like shooting fish in a barrel for
the vampires!

Posted: Thu May 28, 2009 8:48 pm
by rushlight
I don't know if you've seen the classic Doctor Who series but there is a vampire story called State of Decay. It's definitely on youtube. Now those were some of the coolest vampires who did such a great job that they would make bela lugosi proud. :-D

Remember Grace Jones? Weird looking lady who was in a James Bond film. She had that awful film called Vamp. What the hell was that about? I don't even remember if she was in all of it? I do remember she didn't talk.

It won't be long until True Blood time! :-D