
Open discussion about the world we live in today. Topics in here can get heated, but please keep it civil.

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Post by rushlight »

Rita is now a number 4. I'm getting a little scared but as far as they mentioned on the news, we only need supplies in case power goes out and to have fresh water.
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Post by Kares4Rush »


If I may ask, what part of Texas are you in? (I forget)

I have a good friend in Corpus and she is worried.

You stay safe. This one looks ugly.

Freeze this moment a little bit longer...
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Post by rushlight »

It is officially a number 5. I am from San Antonio Kares. Luckily we don't have to evacuate. They told Galveston, Houston, Texas City, anybody near the ocean to evacuate. They might have told your friend to leave Corpus Christi already Kares. A lot of people are on the way to safer ground. I have a sister in Houston and she just went back there. Haven't heard from her yet but we think she'll be back. Waiting is hard. So far it has been hot and will be the same tomorrow. Friday and Saturday are unknown. Stay tuned. :?
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Post by awip2062 »

*hugs for RL*
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Post by rushlight »

awip2062 wrote:*hugs for RL*
*hugs T*

Here is an update. The hurricane is back at a number 4 but it'll still be bad as ever. The weathermen and women are not sure exactly where it will turn. I went out with my mother to get supplies and it's insane. People are in lines for gas, bottled water is gone, and people had carts filled with food. My sister is stuck in Houston because cars are jammed in the highways and they can't find gas stations and nobody is moving. So we hope she's ok. We're not sure what is going to happen tomorrow so it's more waiting. :???:
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Post by Me »

I'm sure you'll be alright RL my mother in law lives in San Anton but is moving to pleasenton to be closer to her son Pat and the youngest Chris boarded up his windows just out side of Houston two days ago and got out. My wife Gina wants to go visit really soon and drag me along. I told her as long as I get some good Tex Mex I'll go. Gina has been bugging me to move back down there as her mom is getting old but I don't like the heat in poteet only the strawberries.
No doubt it's going to be a bit of a mess but it looks as like it's moving even more to the east now. A bit of a snafu (situation normal all fu%#ed up) of letting the gas station's run out of gas. Goes to show what kind of mess we will have if a dirty bomb of something worst happens in the future to a major city. In the long run we all have to be able to take care of ourselves, that's just my opinon though. You take care, big hugs and I know things grow bigger in TX and it's not just full of steers and queers

I though of something last night

if hurricane Rita was to hit New Orleans again with extreme winds and flooding was imminent. Would the corps be better off flooding the city before the storm preventing wind damage or would it matter that much because of storm surge? In other words blast the levees and flood the city so the water would protect it from the wind?
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Post by awip2062 »

Hmmmmmmm...which damage would be less espensive in the long run kinda question, eh?

Of course, if there are people still in the city where the flooding would occur that you cannot get to leave, the flooding is out.
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Post by PerfektWorkingMandrakeoft »


Post by PerfektWorkingMandrakeoft »

From: IdentityCrisisBH? Sent: 12/30/2005 6:03 PM
I finally got my cell phone 'picture feature' working again and I can now post some of my personal pictures from Katrina, four months and a day after the fact. The following pictures only scratch the surface. These few are only the ones that I took with my phone, but I also have a couple of rolls of regular camera pictures developed also that need scanning. Enjoy these in the mean time....

The calm before the storm...

Early on, when the street flooded with only sprinkles of rain, I got this huge dark feeling of impending doom. The water was only up to the sidewalk.

A few minutes later the water was up past the sidewalk and creeping up into the driveway and front yard. It was only drizzling, so I wondered where the water was coming from. I am guessing this is the beginning of the storm surge.

I didn't take any camera phone pictures during Katrina, so we'll skip to the aftermath.

This picture was taken from my upstairs bedroom window the morning after Katrina passed. During the storm, I stood and watched the tree beyond the back fence be blown over, pulling up all of the root system with it. On it's side, the roots were an estimated 15 feet high. Here you can see the water was up to my knees inside and out.

..a little wave action.

Here is my bathroom ceiling above my bath tub. I used to only have one sky light. During the storm this was the first area of my roof to cave in on me. This gaping hole in my ceiling, I was convinced, was a portal to hell. The monster came screaming with water and wind under cowardice of darkness, and although I could close the door to the bathroom, as I went back and hid under the covers of my bed, the onslaught of the water pouring in and flooding my upstairs sanctuary did not let up for several more gruelling hours. The whole house was shaking and creaking and moaning and groaning, my roof collapsed in the three bedrooms, water was pouring in through my light fixtures and ceiling fans, dripping all over the foot of my once dry sanctuary of a bed. An angel tapped me on the shoulder while I was crying my eyes out and had me petition God at the top of my lungs, above the roar of the vibrating closed bathroom door, and I screamed, " I want to live!".

Recommend Message 41 of 80 in Discussion

From: IdentityCrisisBH? Sent: 12/30/2005 6:16 PM
Have you ever seen a leak in the roof? It is so disenhartening, that big bubble forming on the ceiling, the walls swelling, then the inevitable burst. It happened everywhere, so many new streams of water from above soaking all of my meagre humanly possessions. Once something got wet, I just gave in. Despair creeped in from the roof in a devilish form of our otherwise friendly companion, water. For hours I battled these leaks with an assortment of catch basins, aka buckets, pitchers, pots, pans, ice chests, big tupperware, towels, blankets, shit, everything's soaked, fuck it, dumping these water catchers into the toilet is a losing battle. My ship was sinking.

I curled up in at the head of my half dry bed with the cats and we prayed and screamed for it to stop. According to scientific procedure, when one feels at the infinite depths of despair, and one prays to God to make it stop, just please stop, weeping dear dear God please make it stop, screaming at the top of your lungs to God to make it stop, God seems to take about 2 1/2 hours to get back to you.

Recommend Message 42 of 80 in Discussion

From: IdentityCrisisBH? Sent: 12/30/2005 6:59 PM
After it stopped...

I went downstairs again, after the leaks from the menace above flooded the upstairs and repeated the same leak procedure downstairs.( see big bubble forming on the ceiling, the walls swelling, then the inevitable burst). Wash rinse repeat.

My living room was flooded too, from the water coming up, from the water coming down. The water was going sideways, the water was everywhere.

Above you can see my drum set and my mom's lazyboy recliner and my filing cabinets hanging out in a foot or two of receding nasty brown water. At times, the recliner in the puddle was more comfortable than the wet bed upstairs. My hi-hat cymbal was my ashtray table, and my floor toms were my cats' waterworld perch.

A day or week passed, and some clean up had begun...

Back upstairs again, I saw the tree removed from my mirrored neighbor across the way, whose bedroom window was crushed. My bedroom view wasn't so bad afterall? Notice the felled tree was cut down and it's root season dropped back into the ground. What was once a little green park was now a vast wasteland. Notice the appliances displaced from their homes. A new term here is 'white items', as opposed to general tree "debris".

No electricity, no air conditioning, 90+ degrees, swetting my ass off, Carpet soaking, making that wet foot squishy sound under every footfall.

i think to myself, what the fuck just happened? holy fucking shit! this place is a veritable disaster area. no other term to describe it. I have to get out of here! This is crazy.

Now I remember why I took the above picture. It was to document what you couldn't capture on film. The SOUND of this place. No birds. No voices. Nobody home. Damn, am i the only human being alive around here? All the sounds were swept away .... ((washed away like footprints in a hurricane...force10...in a vaportrail 09/06/05 thank you rush for the songs (in the car)...are we the last ones left alive, are we the only human beings to survive, (red sector A)))...
The sounds of the place, i digress......

For the first few days after katrina, the sounds of the place were simply....
described as an electrical crying of the post modern nuclear automotive age....
Let me put it this way...

Have you ever heard "the sad moaning of a half dozen car alarms slowly losing thier batteries"? It is so sad, the once eager alarm spouting proudly to their owner that they had vigilantly protected according to their sad soulless machine programming, abandoned, once detected and protected, now just a wimpering , audially slow chime to a mega-disaster in their wake.

The next song that i write will have the sound of the car alarm going dead as a major underlying theme

When the sad songs of the car alarms finally brought silence after 2 1/2 days, it made me think that if man can make a car alarm battery that takes two days to die, why does it take God 2 1/2 hours to stop the wind and the rain and the rising water?

The Sound and the Fury...

Drown my heart, every note is ... torn apart!

Recommend Message 43 of 80 in Discussion

From: IdentityCrisisBH? Sent: 12/30/2005 7:06 PM
All of everybody's everythings out on the curb...

Look, there's my chair.....

and all of my meagre possessions.

Down my street view.

At least I got to meet my neighbors.

No longer there.



Sick Sick Sick of Katrina.

Post by PerfektWorkingMandrakeoft »

i believe that what i'm feeling changes how the world appears

Post by PerfektWorkingMandrakeoft »

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Post by awip2062 »

The picture of the pirate is funny, but the happenings down there....ick.

I lived through floodings when I was a kid, and my mom lived through them when she was a kid, but neither of us experienced anything like Katrina.
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Post by awip2062 »

PerfektWorkingMandrakeoft wrote:i believe that what i'm feeling changes how the world appears
I have to agree with this one.

I woke up this morning and although it was sunny out, things still seemed icky. I was asking myself why, since although there are tons of things I am going through right now, everything is in a fairly even status for the moment. Then I realized that it is cuz I am depressed. Not crying all the time wanting to die depressed, just overwhelmed, frustrated, wanting-to-eat-all-the-time-so-I-am-up-to-120lbs, down depressed.

Now that I see this, I understand why the world, although "bright and beautiful" right now looks so...*sigh* grey.
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Post by Soup4Rush »

I get like that too t. Its the winter blahs... I think if you don't see the sun enough it really drags you down. You just don't feel like doing anything.
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Post by schuette »

I'm sorry to hear that t.....I'm also glad that when I'm down/depressed the last thing I want to do is eat...
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