schuette wrote:I've been to quite a few castles lately...I love learning the history about them...only thing is with my memory I forget most of what I've read there
schuette wrote:I've been to quite a few castles lately...I love learning the history about them...only thing is with my memory I forget most of what I've read there
What a fun trip, so much to see. Great pics, thanks for sharing.
My favorite is the last one of C with the hair blowing and the facial expression. Good day eh?
Sound verbalized tones touch textured feel scent wafted aroma see visualize observe sing dance live
I can't resist, I gotta do it, it's an uncontrollable urge to write... PixPicsPicksPiksPixPicsPicksPixPicksPiksPixPicksPiksPixPicsPicksPiks.
Grasshopper say: This is my best shot at sailing into the sunset.
Sound verbalized tones touch textured feel scent wafted aroma see visualize observe sing dance live
One of thousands of insect friends.
I know this pic below probably doesn't belong in
pics of us, but sort of, look what my horoscope said today. (I'm a Leo)
Anybody else see something in theirs that strikes them as unusually karmic?
Sound verbalized tones touch textured feel scent wafted aroma see visualize observe sing dance live