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Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2007 10:46 am
by CygnusX1
YYZ30 wrote:
zepboy wrote:Dude! I was a nuke MM down in da hole!!!
First Strike- a documentary from 1979- good watch:

Part 1 is there, 2,3,and 4 are in the sidebar.
What is that all aboot? (Hello Can-a-da)

You know I can't view YT!

BTW....what is that all about? I was underway in '79!

Was it "Solid Shield" ?? I was there with the Amphib group..

Even did some minesweeping for the Brits.

Minesweeping was some fun shit.
It's like fishing, except you do the exact opposite.

You troll THE FISH to THE HOOK.

You don't know when "the fish" you're dragging is
gonna hit the mine "hook", but when it DOES....WHAM!

break out the steak and lobster. it's MILLER TIME. :lol:

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2007 11:16 am
by YYZ30
CygnusX1 wrote:
YYZ30 wrote:
zepboy wrote:Dude! I was a nuke MM down in da hole!!!
First Strike- a documentary from 1979- good watch:

Part 1 is there, 2,3,and 4 are in the sidebar.
What is that all aboot? (Hello Can-a-da)

You know I can't view YT!

BTW....what is that all about? I was underway in '79!

Was it "Solid Shield" ?? I was there with the Amphib group..

Even did some minesweeping for the Brits.

Minesweeping was some fun shit.
It's like fishing, except you do the exact opposite.

You troll THE FISH to THE HOOK.

You don't know when "the fish" you're dragging is
gonna hit the mine "hook", but when it DOES....WHAM!

break out the steak and lobster. it's MILLER TIME. :lol:
First Strike is a documentary about nuclear war- what if Russia decided to park 12 subs off the coasts and launch a limited (but crippling) nuclear strike on our military installations and silos...but I've already said too much - I don't want to spoil it completely.

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2007 11:50 am
by CygnusX1
gotcha....but don't take too much stock in it...

it was the cold war ya know.

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2007 11:53 am
by YYZ30
CygnusX1 wrote:gotcha....but don't take too much stock in it...

it was the cold war ya know.
Right, just an interesting snapshot of the times, thats all.

Trivia- part of the footage in First Strike was used in "The Day After"

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2007 8:05 am
by Big Blue Owl
Anybody need anything down the Kwick-E-Mart?

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2007 8:44 am
by Soup4Rush
I don't do anything quick anymore.. going to the bathroom, walking, driving, thinking... :-D

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2007 9:21 am
by zepboy
YYZ30 wrote:
CygnusX1 wrote:gotcha....but don't take too much stock in it...

it was the cold war ya know.
Right, just an interesting snapshot of the times, thats all.

Trivia- part of the footage in First Strike was used in "The Day After"
To be honest, I believe that this complacent thinking with be the only reason the US will fall, and I believe we will fall.

The only reason this hasn't happened yet, be it at the hands of Hitler, the Russians, the Chinese, or even Al Qaida, is because of the battle ready preparedness of our armed forces.

The current trend of becoming a neutered nation is going to change all that.

Trust me. The only reason this hasn't happened yet is because it couldn't. Soon, it will not only be a possibility, but an inevitability.

The United States is losing its resolve by leaps and bounds. Lack of resolve leads directly to servant hood to those who have resolve. And believe me, those who hate us have resolve!

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2007 11:34 am
by awip2062
Big Blue Owl wrote:Image
Anybody need anything down the Kwick-E-Mart?
Did you spiff up that picture By-torian style, BBO?

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2007 12:03 pm
by Big Blue Owl
'Deed I did, sisterino! Now that I'm looking at it, had I more time I could have added a ton of other fun By-Torian related goodies. :-)

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2007 3:29 pm
by CygnusX1
Big Blue Owl wrote:Image
Anybody need anything down the Kwick-E-Mart?
can ya hook me up with a lemon-lime Squishee and a Ribwich Brudda?


Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2007 5:35 pm
by Sir Myghin
zepboy wrote:

The United States is losing its resolve by leaps and bounds. Lack of resolve leads directly to servant hood to those who have resolve. And believe me, those who hate us have resolve!
Comforts seem to destroy discipline the fastest no?

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2007 7:54 pm
by awip2062
Big Blue Owl wrote:'Deed I did, sisterino! Now that I'm looking at it, had I more time I could have added a ton of other fun By-Torian related goodies. :-)

So since you did it yourself then you could edit and add more, right? :evil:

Pics of us

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2007 11:02 pm
by Wendy
Big Blue Owl wrote:Image
Anybody need anything down the Kwick-E-Mart?
Another lotto ticket pleez, the clerk switched my winner
and claimed it for them self.

Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2007 2:55 pm
by Mr. Potatoe Head
Big Blue Owl wrote:Image
Anybody need anything down the Kwick-E-Mart?
I'll take a fat splif to go.

Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2007 9:04 am
by Big Blue Owl
I hope they have big bags! I need an all syrup Squishee as well.