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Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 10:55 am
by schuette
dont think so...probably the parents of the parents will end up looking ater the child...I cant remember what one but either his sister or her sister had a kid when they were 13
Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 7:55 am
by CygnusX1
Apparently, there was a sizeable demonstration outside the buidling where
Obama signed off on the "porkulus" package. Who'd have thunk it?
Of course, MSM didn't deem it newsworthy (can't ya just smell the
corruption?), so I took it upon myself to extract and re-post a slide show
the other side of the story in the interest of fairness.
Slide show: ... -more-pork
Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 10:28 am
by CygnusX1
CBS News Fooled by Faux Military
Equipment in Pakistan
17 February, 2009
Everyone who has been in the military, especially to Iraq or Afghanistan
within the last few years needs to watch the first part of the CBS video.
Look at the "military equipment" CBS is pushing as recently "stolen"
or "looted" from US Forces.
You will notice that it's equipment we aren't even issued.
Also, they blatantly lie when attempting to show night vision equipment,
which isn't night vision equipment at all.
Right off, I see many inconsistencies with the equipment they say is stolen
from US forces.
00:02 - The video shows a series of boots. Out of the three pair, two are
black leather boots. When is the last time any of us deployed with black
leather boots? Hell in the Marine Corps they aren't even issued; you
can't wear them. The military isn't shipping black boots to Afghanistan.
Someone correct me if I'm wrong. Also, the tan boots are brand new,
and are not even US issued for either the Marines or the US Army.
Finally, in the frame you will see the tri-color camouflage shirt, brand
new. The Marine Corps and most Army units don't issue this camouflage
print any longer. Digital print is the standard. There are a few units that
still have them but most don't.
CBS hasn't done their homework.
00:04 - Shows a picture of a tri-color chest rig, used to carry magazines.
These aren't issued to US Forces, nor would I have ever allowed my
Marines to use them.
00:05 - The narrator states "even high power binoculars," as footage of
some man in a hadji dress picks up a pair of cheap looking binos. I can't
believe CBS fell for this, or just ignored the reality. The various
assortment of military issued binoculars don't look like this.
Someone, please correct me if I'm wrong.
00:07 - The narrator continues, "...and sophisticated night vision gear."
Can someone please tell me what the camera is looking at. It looks like
a couple of rifle magazines at the bottom, and various black and grey
bags, possibly protective containers for Oakley or other issued eye
wear. I don't see any night vision equipment or anything that remotely
resembles night vision equipment. I'm not saying it wasn't there, NVGs
and NODs can be found all over, but the video is supposedly (according
to the narrator) showing night vision devices.
00:09 - Does show US Army knee pads and hydration pack. At least that
is what the camouflage pattern looks like. When you look at the video
angle, this footage does not show a marketplace setting (typical to what is
found in Pakistan or Afghanistan).
00:11 - Shows knives, none of which are us issued to US forces.
00:18 - Shows a distance shot of some camouflage shirts, none are US
military print.
00:20 - Does show a case that says "Property of US government." If
someone knows what kinda case this is please let me know.
00:21 - Shows the old olive drab canteen and canteen cover. This is an
older issued item, although to be fair it could still be issued to some
units. However, the carrying case for the canteen would most likely have
been changed. For example, the Marine Corps issues the old canteen but
the covers are newer camo print, not the old olive drab.
00:24 - The narrator says that "we are told there are US weapons for sale
here, too." Of course, she shows none.
This video is suspect to say the least. I'm not saying it's fake, but CBS
didn't show what they said they were showing.
At best, they were fooled - and at worst they were disingenuous.
It was a complete scam with regards to the American equipment footage.
The only thing she showed was a knee pad, hydration system and an old
The rest was just equipment you can find anywhere.
Originally posted by WarriorJason.
Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 2:43 pm
by schuette
Novelist Pratchett receives knighthood
Terry Pratchett has received a knighthood for services to literature.
The novelist, best known for the Discworld series, was made a Sir at a ceremony at Buckingham Palace after being named in the New Year Honours list.
Pratchett, 60, has sold over 55 million copies of his fantasy books worldwide and is the UK's best-selling novelist of the 1990s.
The author was diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease in 2007 and has since taken part in a BBC documentary to raise awareness of the condition.
made me think of Ogg...
Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 3:47 pm
by Sir Myghin
schuette wrote:Novelist Pratchett receives knighthood
Terry Pratchett has received a knighthood for services to literature.
The novelist, best known for the Discworld series, was made a Sir at a ceremony at Buckingham Palace after being named in the New Year Honours list.
Pratchett, 60, has sold over 55 million copies of his fantasy books worldwide and is the UK's best-selling novelist of the 1990s.
The author was diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease in 2007 and has since taken part in a BBC documentary to raise awareness of the condition.
made me think of Ogg...
Kickass! Go Prachett Go!
Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2009 8:07 am
by CygnusX1
Wait...something's just now coming across the scrolling
Guitarists' Thread L.E.D. Board!
The Road Is Calling!
The Fender? Road Worn? online band competition is accepting
submissions from bands all over the U.S. with just a few weeks left to
Upload your mp3 and video now to qualify and get your music heard!
Get in the game - and good luck!
Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2009 11:58 am
by CygnusX1
Ozzy Lines Up USO Concert for Korea and is Ready to ROCK ... ozzy.jhtml
Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2009 1:12 pm
by Big Blue Owl
Rip it up, Oz!
BTW, Ozzfest will return in 2009 after last year's 1 show and 2007's free tour. It will be back to business as usual, not free, and some of the acts that are rumored to appear are AC-DC, Ozzy himself and System Of A Down.
Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2009 3:05 pm
by awip2062
What would OzzFest be without John!?!? LOL Sounds like it might have a good lineup.
I am glad to see he is supporting the troops even though he doesn't like war. heh War. What is it good for?
Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2009 6:35 am
by zepboy
Just when you thought parenting in the U.S. was safe . . . ... de-rights/
Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2009 8:01 pm
by awip2062
It just won't go away!!!!
Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 8:55 am
by CygnusX1
Rush Limbaugh challenges Obama to debate
A man can take only so many media beatdowns.... Oh, it's ON. ... ugh-c.html
Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 9:35 am
by Big Blue Owl
I think that would be great fun, but I don't think Obama will legitimize R L any more than the press and his own admin already have.
Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 9:52 am
by CygnusX1
Big Blue Owl wrote:I don't think Obama will legitimize R L any more than the press.
Of course not. They're already in bed with each other in a
"Slobbering Love Affair."
(H/T to Bernie Goldberg)
As far as his own party goes, if Michael Steele can't grow a set of balls,
his problem.
Steele needs to lead, follow or get the hell outta the way.
If you were a republican coach, what would YOU do?
Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 9:55 am
by Big Blue Owl
If you were a republican coach, what would YOU do?
Slit my throat?