Today's Headlines
Moderator: Priests of Syrinx
Executive order reverses ban on aid to international ?family planning? groups
Paul Joseph Watson
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
The sickest irony amidst the euphoria of the inauguration of America?s first black President is that one of Obama?s very first actions in office will be to ensure that millions more black babies are aborted in third world countries, with American taxpayers picking up the tab.
President Obama?s first act of ?change? will be to issue an executive order that will lift a ban on using taxpayer money to fund international ?family planning? groups who counsel women and perform abortions around the world, but mainly in Africa.
Fresh from his complete disregard of Israel?s barbarian bombardment of Gaza, an onslaught that has killed around 400 children, Obama will ensure that potentially millions more never even get the chance of life in the first place.
Obama will reverse the so-called Mexico City policy, the federal rule prohibiting aid to family planning groups which was instituted by Ronald Reagan in 1984. The policy does not apply to abortions carried out in cases of rape, incest, or life-threatening conditions. Obama?s executive order will pass almost exactly 36 years to the day since the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision which legalized abortion.
Abortion groups that will enjoy a fresh injection of American taxpayers? money will include the Family Guidance Association of Ethiopia and the Planned Parenthood Association of Zambia.
The executive order will also precede a likely decison by Obama to once again release funds for the UNFPA, a United Nations organization that supports China?s policy of forced abortion.
?Obama?s repeal of the abortion aid policy is one of several executive actions that he will take soon after his inauguration today, according to several Obama transition aides. He is also considering lifting Bush administration restrictions on federally funded stem cell research,? reports the Hartford Courant.
Stem cell research has attracted vociferous opposition from anti-abortion groups because many of the treatments in the field use cells from aborted babies. The Catholic Church in Scotland this week called the procedure ?immoral and unethical,? especially in light of the fact that stem cells from adult donations can be used instead.
Federally funded global abortions as a method of population control has been an obsession of elites and eugenicists throughout history.
One of the pioneers of family planning and the woman who opened the first birth control clinic in Britain, Marie Stopes, was a racist and an anti-Semite who campaigned for selective breeding to achieve racial purity, a passion she shared with Adolf Hitler in adoring letters and poems that she sent the leader of the Third Reich.
The feminist also attended the Nazi congress on population science in Berlin in 1935, while calling for the ?compulsory sterilisation of the diseased, drunkards, or simply those of bad character.? Stopes acted on her appalling theories by concentrating her abortion clinics in poor areas so as to reduce the birth rate of the lower classes.
Stopes left most of her estate to the Eugenics Society, an organization that shared her passion for racial purity and still exists today under the new name The Galton Institute. The society has included members such as Charles Galton Darwin (grandson of the evolutionist) , Julian Huxley and Margaret Sanger.
Ominously, The Galton Institute website promotes its support and funding initiative for ?the practical delivery of family planning facilities, especially in developing countries.? In other words, the same organization that once advocated sterilizing black people to achieve racial purity in the same vein as the Nazis is now bankrolling abortions of black babies in the third world.
With Obama?s executive order to release taxpayer money to fund abortions of black babies in Africa, he is signaling his firm intention to act in the interests of the ancestors of the Hitlerian eugenicist movement who now control the family planning groups.
A lot has been made of the ideals of Martin Luther King in light of the inauguration of the first black President. What would the legendary civil rights campaigner have thought of Obama?s action to ensure funding for the abortion of black babies? Here?s what his niece, Dr. Alveda King had to say about the matter at a conference last August.
?The great irony,? she said, ?is that abortion has done what the Klan only dreamed of.?
King stated that the killing of a quarter of the black population of the US has not been from the lynch mobs of her childhood days, but from abortionists, ?who plant their killing centers in minority neighborhoods and prey upon women who think they have no hope.?
Obama?s first action as President will ensure that those ?killing centers? across the world will now be empowered with fresh capital to abort more black babies while the new President grandstands as a messiah for the poor and oppressed black race.
Paul Joseph Watson
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
The sickest irony amidst the euphoria of the inauguration of America?s first black President is that one of Obama?s very first actions in office will be to ensure that millions more black babies are aborted in third world countries, with American taxpayers picking up the tab.
President Obama?s first act of ?change? will be to issue an executive order that will lift a ban on using taxpayer money to fund international ?family planning? groups who counsel women and perform abortions around the world, but mainly in Africa.
Fresh from his complete disregard of Israel?s barbarian bombardment of Gaza, an onslaught that has killed around 400 children, Obama will ensure that potentially millions more never even get the chance of life in the first place.
Obama will reverse the so-called Mexico City policy, the federal rule prohibiting aid to family planning groups which was instituted by Ronald Reagan in 1984. The policy does not apply to abortions carried out in cases of rape, incest, or life-threatening conditions. Obama?s executive order will pass almost exactly 36 years to the day since the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision which legalized abortion.
Abortion groups that will enjoy a fresh injection of American taxpayers? money will include the Family Guidance Association of Ethiopia and the Planned Parenthood Association of Zambia.
The executive order will also precede a likely decison by Obama to once again release funds for the UNFPA, a United Nations organization that supports China?s policy of forced abortion.
?Obama?s repeal of the abortion aid policy is one of several executive actions that he will take soon after his inauguration today, according to several Obama transition aides. He is also considering lifting Bush administration restrictions on federally funded stem cell research,? reports the Hartford Courant.
Stem cell research has attracted vociferous opposition from anti-abortion groups because many of the treatments in the field use cells from aborted babies. The Catholic Church in Scotland this week called the procedure ?immoral and unethical,? especially in light of the fact that stem cells from adult donations can be used instead.
Federally funded global abortions as a method of population control has been an obsession of elites and eugenicists throughout history.
One of the pioneers of family planning and the woman who opened the first birth control clinic in Britain, Marie Stopes, was a racist and an anti-Semite who campaigned for selective breeding to achieve racial purity, a passion she shared with Adolf Hitler in adoring letters and poems that she sent the leader of the Third Reich.
The feminist also attended the Nazi congress on population science in Berlin in 1935, while calling for the ?compulsory sterilisation of the diseased, drunkards, or simply those of bad character.? Stopes acted on her appalling theories by concentrating her abortion clinics in poor areas so as to reduce the birth rate of the lower classes.
Stopes left most of her estate to the Eugenics Society, an organization that shared her passion for racial purity and still exists today under the new name The Galton Institute. The society has included members such as Charles Galton Darwin (grandson of the evolutionist) , Julian Huxley and Margaret Sanger.
Ominously, The Galton Institute website promotes its support and funding initiative for ?the practical delivery of family planning facilities, especially in developing countries.? In other words, the same organization that once advocated sterilizing black people to achieve racial purity in the same vein as the Nazis is now bankrolling abortions of black babies in the third world.
With Obama?s executive order to release taxpayer money to fund abortions of black babies in Africa, he is signaling his firm intention to act in the interests of the ancestors of the Hitlerian eugenicist movement who now control the family planning groups.
A lot has been made of the ideals of Martin Luther King in light of the inauguration of the first black President. What would the legendary civil rights campaigner have thought of Obama?s action to ensure funding for the abortion of black babies? Here?s what his niece, Dr. Alveda King had to say about the matter at a conference last August.
?The great irony,? she said, ?is that abortion has done what the Klan only dreamed of.?
King stated that the killing of a quarter of the black population of the US has not been from the lynch mobs of her childhood days, but from abortionists, ?who plant their killing centers in minority neighborhoods and prey upon women who think they have no hope.?
Obama?s first action as President will ensure that those ?killing centers? across the world will now be empowered with fresh capital to abort more black babies while the new President grandstands as a messiah for the poor and oppressed black race.
- Big Blue Owl
- Posts: 7457
- Joined: Thu Aug 17, 2006 7:31 am
- Location: Somewhere between the darkness and the light
Another point of view is that you can either prevent them from entering a world of famine, poverty, horrible "send relief money" commercials and disease or let them be born with A.I.D.S. into an overpopulated, starving, cesspool. Using our money exclusively creases my crevice too, but I can see this as an example of why the spreading of knowledge, condoms, birth control medicine and ultimately abortion can be a positive thing in some areas of the planet.
And Obama doesn't seem like Bush to me. I can't believe he'd do something globally visibly horrible to bolster a starving ego. After Bush's 8 year ego fiasco you think that Obama is concerned about his world image? He's already got the world on his side according to every report and news story I've seen, heard and read on the matter.
The poor of this country get plenty of help. Not every one gets enough, but it's there to seek out as well as a job. Hell, if a numbnuts like me can rise through a company and make a decent living, almost anyone can. Sure, I had to live in a van for a month when I was younger. But as I did I didn't become comfortable with being poor. I realized I didn't live in the sand with sewage all around me and no place to re-start. It is you guys that complain about the welfare cases and the bums who beg for your money and those that leech off of we, the working...until they can be used to illustrate or "justify" a point that attempts to cast a bad light on the non-Republican/non-conservative point of view.
I know that I can never change your minds. I just feel this foolish compulsion to respond in balance when negative opinions crack like a dominatrix whip on an asscheek.
That didn't sound angry, did it. I'm not. Just sayin.'
And Obama doesn't seem like Bush to me. I can't believe he'd do something globally visibly horrible to bolster a starving ego. After Bush's 8 year ego fiasco you think that Obama is concerned about his world image? He's already got the world on his side according to every report and news story I've seen, heard and read on the matter.
The poor of this country get plenty of help. Not every one gets enough, but it's there to seek out as well as a job. Hell, if a numbnuts like me can rise through a company and make a decent living, almost anyone can. Sure, I had to live in a van for a month when I was younger. But as I did I didn't become comfortable with being poor. I realized I didn't live in the sand with sewage all around me and no place to re-start. It is you guys that complain about the welfare cases and the bums who beg for your money and those that leech off of we, the working...until they can be used to illustrate or "justify" a point that attempts to cast a bad light on the non-Republican/non-conservative point of view.
I know that I can never change your minds. I just feel this foolish compulsion to respond in balance when negative opinions crack like a dominatrix whip on an asscheek.

That didn't sound angry, did it. I'm not. Just sayin.'
(((((((((((((((all'a you)))))))))))))))
Tijuana off-limits to U.S. Marines
Camp Pendleton, Calif. - Marines won't be spending any of their "R&R"
time in popular Tijuana and nearby beaches after an order banning them
from there. A public information officer says it's to look out for the
Marines' safety and well-being.
By William M. Welch, USA TODAY
LOS ANGELES ? For tens of thousands of U.S. Marines in Southern
California, new orders from the brass amount to: Baghdad si, Tijuana no.
Citing a wave of violence and murder in Mexico, the Commanding Officer
of the 1st Marine Expeditionary Force based at Camp Pendleton has
made the popular military "R&R" destinations of Tijuana and nearby
beaches effectively off-limits for his Marines.
The order by Lt. Gen. Samuel Helland restricts travel into Mexico by the
44,000 members of the unit, many of whom have had multiple tours of
duty in Iraq, Afghanistan and other combat zones under their belts ? or
are there now.
The limits were first put in place for the Christmas holiday. Last week the
commander extended the order indefinitely, said Mike Alvarez, civilian
public information officer for the unit at Camp Pendleton.
"The situation in Mexico is now more dangerous than usual," he said. "The
intent is just to look out for the Marines' safety and well-being."
Tijuana has been a popular attraction for Californians since Prohibition
days, when legal liquor was unavailable north of the border. In more
recent times, its 18-year-old drinking age, cheap prices, gambling,
beaches, tourist-oriented businesses and bars have attracted civilians
and off-duty military from the San Diego area and elsewhere.
San Diego, heavy with Navy and Marine presence, adjoins the Mexican
border and Camp Pendleton is in northern San Diego County, about 50
miles from the border.
Fallen on hard times
These days, sidewalk restaurants along Tijuana's main tourist street,
Avenida Revolucion, often are empty. Tourists are buffeted by barkers
and merchants desperate for U.S. dollars. Visitors may be approached
with offers of drugs or prostitution as well.
Tijuana, like Ciudad Juarez across the border from El Paso, has been hit
particularly hard by the drug violence that has spread across Mexico.
Tijuana saw its bloodiest year ever in 2008 with 843 killings, compared
with 337 the previous year.
The violence in Tijuana grew toward the end of last year and continued
this year with numerous execution-style slayings. Many of the bodies
were found decapitated. The State Department has issued a travel alert
for Americans going to Mexico.
Officials from the U.S. Consulate in Tijuana regularly check with Mexican
police and jails for Americans in trouble, and U.S. military Shore Patrol
officers check daily. Alvarez said "there have been incidents from time to
time" but did not know how many Marines have gotten into trouble.
Helland's directive requires written approval from a Lieutenant Colonel or
higher-ranking officer for travel across the border ? whether for official
business, to visit family or for leisure, known in the military as rest and
relaxation, or R&R.
Marines venturing over the border also must complete anti-terrorism
training, receive a military security briefing and "use the buddy system,"
that is travel with a companion 18 or older, according to Helland's order.
Most of the affected Marines are at Pendleton, but some are at other
bases in Southern California and Arizona. And 13,500 members of the
unit are currently deployed overseas, said Alvarez, a retired captain and
helicopter pilot who served three tours in Iraq.
As part of the order, Marines who cross the border on approved travel
must carry contact information for the U.S. Consulate General and the
Border Shore Patrol.
The restrictions don't apply to the more than 75,000 active duty Navy
sailors in the area, but they are required to inform their chains of
command if they cross the border, said Lt. (j.g.) Lenaya Rotklein, public
affairs officer for the Navy Region Southwest Command at San Diego.
For Marines, the order is enforceable under the Uniform Code of Military
Justice. Violators could face a court-martial.
"It's a lawful order," Alvarez says. "As Marines, we obey lawful orders."
Camp Pendleton, Calif. - Marines won't be spending any of their "R&R"
time in popular Tijuana and nearby beaches after an order banning them
from there. A public information officer says it's to look out for the
Marines' safety and well-being.
By William M. Welch, USA TODAY
LOS ANGELES ? For tens of thousands of U.S. Marines in Southern
California, new orders from the brass amount to: Baghdad si, Tijuana no.
Citing a wave of violence and murder in Mexico, the Commanding Officer
of the 1st Marine Expeditionary Force based at Camp Pendleton has
made the popular military "R&R" destinations of Tijuana and nearby
beaches effectively off-limits for his Marines.
The order by Lt. Gen. Samuel Helland restricts travel into Mexico by the
44,000 members of the unit, many of whom have had multiple tours of
duty in Iraq, Afghanistan and other combat zones under their belts ? or
are there now.
The limits were first put in place for the Christmas holiday. Last week the
commander extended the order indefinitely, said Mike Alvarez, civilian
public information officer for the unit at Camp Pendleton.
"The situation in Mexico is now more dangerous than usual," he said. "The
intent is just to look out for the Marines' safety and well-being."
Tijuana has been a popular attraction for Californians since Prohibition
days, when legal liquor was unavailable north of the border. In more
recent times, its 18-year-old drinking age, cheap prices, gambling,
beaches, tourist-oriented businesses and bars have attracted civilians
and off-duty military from the San Diego area and elsewhere.
San Diego, heavy with Navy and Marine presence, adjoins the Mexican
border and Camp Pendleton is in northern San Diego County, about 50
miles from the border.
Fallen on hard times
These days, sidewalk restaurants along Tijuana's main tourist street,
Avenida Revolucion, often are empty. Tourists are buffeted by barkers
and merchants desperate for U.S. dollars. Visitors may be approached
with offers of drugs or prostitution as well.
Tijuana, like Ciudad Juarez across the border from El Paso, has been hit
particularly hard by the drug violence that has spread across Mexico.
Tijuana saw its bloodiest year ever in 2008 with 843 killings, compared
with 337 the previous year.
The violence in Tijuana grew toward the end of last year and continued
this year with numerous execution-style slayings. Many of the bodies
were found decapitated. The State Department has issued a travel alert
for Americans going to Mexico.
Officials from the U.S. Consulate in Tijuana regularly check with Mexican
police and jails for Americans in trouble, and U.S. military Shore Patrol
officers check daily. Alvarez said "there have been incidents from time to
time" but did not know how many Marines have gotten into trouble.
Helland's directive requires written approval from a Lieutenant Colonel or
higher-ranking officer for travel across the border ? whether for official
business, to visit family or for leisure, known in the military as rest and
relaxation, or R&R.
Marines venturing over the border also must complete anti-terrorism
training, receive a military security briefing and "use the buddy system,"
that is travel with a companion 18 or older, according to Helland's order.
Most of the affected Marines are at Pendleton, but some are at other
bases in Southern California and Arizona. And 13,500 members of the
unit are currently deployed overseas, said Alvarez, a retired captain and
helicopter pilot who served three tours in Iraq.
As part of the order, Marines who cross the border on approved travel
must carry contact information for the U.S. Consulate General and the
Border Shore Patrol.
The restrictions don't apply to the more than 75,000 active duty Navy
sailors in the area, but they are required to inform their chains of
command if they cross the border, said Lt. (j.g.) Lenaya Rotklein, public
affairs officer for the Navy Region Southwest Command at San Diego.
For Marines, the order is enforceable under the Uniform Code of Military
Justice. Violators could face a court-martial.
"It's a lawful order," Alvarez says. "As Marines, we obey lawful orders."
Don't start none...won't be none.
- Posts: 9148
- Joined: Thu Nov 13, 2003 10:12 pm
- Location: Ontario, Canada
I really struggle with the whole abortion movement. From my view, God is the giver and taker of life. To take these issues into our own hands is to tell Him His opinion is of lower priority than ours.
If people don't want babies, they should refrain from the wild thing, or take measures to prevent conception.
If God decided to give life to an AIDS infected fetus, or to have a child born into severe poverty, or whatever, I believe there is a reason God has in mind. It is not man's place to undermine what our Creator is doing.
I will don't ever see me agreeing with abortion, no matter what reason a person may come up with to justify it
My two cents.
If people don't want babies, they should refrain from the wild thing, or take measures to prevent conception.
If God decided to give life to an AIDS infected fetus, or to have a child born into severe poverty, or whatever, I believe there is a reason God has in mind. It is not man's place to undermine what our Creator is doing.
I will don't ever see me agreeing with abortion, no matter what reason a person may come up with to justify it
My two cents.
- Posts: 9148
- Joined: Thu Nov 13, 2003 10:12 pm
- Location: Ontario, Canada
I agree completely but was not shocked by that, more that he was extending what sounds like expensive foreign aid with much struggle on home soil.zepboy wrote:I really struggle with the whole abortion movement. From my view, God is the giver and taker of life. To take these issues into our own hands is to tell Him His opinion is of lower priority than ours.
If people don't want babies, they should refrain from the wild thing, or take measures to prevent conception.
If God decided to give life to an AIDS infected fetus, or to have a child born into severe poverty, or whatever, I believe there is a reason God has in mind. It is not man's place to undermine what our Creator is doing.
I will don't ever see me agreeing with abortion, no matter what reason a person may come up with to justify it
My two cents.
- Big Blue Owl
- Posts: 7457
- Joined: Thu Aug 17, 2006 7:31 am
- Location: Somewhere between the darkness and the light
I disagree completely, but still respect your point of view.zepboy wrote:
If God decided to give life to an AIDS infected fetus, or to have a child born into severe poverty, or whatever, I believe there is a reason God has in mind. It is not man's place to undermine what our Creator is doing.
(((((((((((((((all'a you)))))))))))))))
Right!Sir Myghin wrote:As far as that foreign abortion thing goes, charity starts at home, enough said.
Obama took care of that Friday evening, by signing off on some
homespun abortion legislation while we were napping. He was too
intimidated to do it during the week.
We wouldn't want a debate about THAT, now would we?
I hope that's not a sign of things to come from him.
*** "deceit" senses are tingling ****
Don't start none...won't be none.
- Big Blue Owl
- Posts: 7457
- Joined: Thu Aug 17, 2006 7:31 am
- Location: Somewhere between the darkness and the light