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Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2008 8:44 am
by Big Blue Owl
Walkinghairball wrote:Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm diced sake!!!!
*Throws 'maders at BBO*

*Gets Wishbone Robusto and lettuce and cheese, and that's right...tosses.*

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2008 8:47 am
by Walkinghairball
Big Blue Owl wrote:Walkinghairball wrote:Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm diced sake!!!!
*Throws 'maders at BBO*

*Gets Wishbone Robusto and lettuce and cheese, and that's right...tosses.*

Sake sounds good though.
Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2008 8:50 am
by Big Blue Owl
If it can relax Austin Powers, it's gotta be good.

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2008 10:09 am
by Big Blue Owl
BAGHDAD, Iraq (CNN) -- Protesters across Iraq Tuesday urged government authorities to free the TV correspondent who threw his shoes at President Bush.
Hundreds of students at Diyala University in Baquba carried banners demanding the release of Muntadhar al-Zaidi -- described by demonstrators as an "honorable Iraqi."
Smaller protests emerged in the Anbar province city of Falluja and in two Baghdad locations -- Baghdad University in the northern part of the city and western Baghdad's Ameriya district. In those events, students also took to the streets.
Al-Zaidi threw his shoes at Bush, while Bush and Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki were holding a Sunday news conference after the president's surprise visit to Baghdad. The journalist was dragged to the ground, hustled out of the room and arrested.
Shouting as he was dragged to the floor, the reporter called his shoe-throwing -- a traditional insult in Arab culture -- a "farewell kiss" to a "dog" who launched the 2003 invasion of Iraq.
Dhirgham al-Zaidi, the shoe-thrower's brother, said the journalist hated the "material American occupation" and Iranian influence in Iraq.
TV networks across the world continue to air the shoe-throwing scene, which has touched a nerve in the Arab world, where there has been an outpouring of support for al-Zaidi -- a correspondent for the Egyptian-based Al-Baghdadia TV.
The network -- which has been airing rolling live coverage about the incident -- is urging his release and has invited guests into its studio that support him. Video Watch Arab reaction to the incident ?
Its crawls include messages of support from Iraqis and foreigners. Iraqis have been receiving short text messages of support on their cell phones, and some of the notes are short poems.
Ungrateful dirtbag bastards. Why do we spend 9 billion dollars per month there to secure and rebuild for these cretins? I say leave and let them taste their own sandy blood. Disgusting people, the Iraqis. I wish centuries more of a horrible existence on everyone in this part of the world. Better yet, bomb them to Hell!
Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2008 10:41 am
by Soup4Rush
makes me wonder why we are even over there anymore

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2008 10:50 am
by awip2062
I don't agree with what he did, but....jail for throwing a shoe? If it were one of us common folk he threw the shoe at, would he be in jail?
Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2008 10:54 am
by awip2062
Big Blue Owl wrote:Could have just been a careless parishioner with a candle or some callow youth smoking in the boys room.
I hope that if my church building ever has anything like this happen that my congregation and I would react so.....Christlike.
I'm sure that you would. After all, that's what anyone who is a Christian should do automatically. Turn the other cheek while trading an eye for an eye.

Thanks for the confidence you have in me! I try to live up to what I should do, but I don't always.
I wish that it was just a careless parishioner, though.
ANCHORAGE, Alaska ? An accelerant was poured around the exterior of Gov. Sarah Palin's church before fire heavily damaged the building, federal investigators said Monday. The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives said the accelerant was poured at several locations around the church, including entrances...
The blaze was set Friday night at the main entrance of the Wasilla Bible Church while a small group, including two children, were inside.Fire authorities were called to the scene at 9:40 p.m., unusually early for many arson fires, Starcevic said.
"It's kind of odd to do in the evening hours," he said. "I can tell you that most of the arson fires I've worked on are late nighttime, usually when no one is there."
Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2008 11:32 am
by Walkinghairball
awip2062 wrote:I don't agree with what he did, but....jail for throwing a shoe? If it were one of us common folk he threw the shoe at, would he be in jail?
Over here the Secret Service would have prolly shot him....

.....or not.
They really didn't ......
ahem..........REACT there either.
Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2008 12:23 pm
by CygnusX1
No comment on the shoe thrower...I thought it was treasonous, the W
haters are lovin' it, but hey:
Sometimes you're the windshield and sometimes you're the bug.

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2008 12:32 pm
by CygnusX1
Person of the Year
by Bill O'Reilly
This is the time of year when media types begin
bloviating about the person who has most impacted the country in 2008.
Well, there's not much drama this time around because of Barack
Obama's amazing achievement.
But...there are other folks who have influenced us greatly, as well.
Please consider the following list:
Congressman Barney Frank/Sen. Chris Dodd/ Securities and Exchange
Commission Chairman Christopher Cox:
These three were given the charge to watch the financial system in
America, to make sure Wall Street greed-heads and other pernicious
people did not hurt the folks.
So tell me, how did they do?
Cox, a former Republican congressman himself, simply did
nothing, allowing bad mortgages to be traded like sports cards as he
fiddled in his lavish office.
Frank and Dodd, as finance chairmen in the House and
Senate respectively, actually promoted irresponsible mortgages in the
name of "inclusion" -- the liberal concept of giving people stuff if they
can't buy it. Dodd also took a sweetheart mortgage from since-failed
Countrywide Financial, which saved him close to $100,000. And Frank
publicly said Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were in "good shape going
forward," just weeks before both government entities collapsed.
I'd say these three had quite an impact in 2008.
Sarah Palin: The governor of Alaska completely upstaged John
McCain and, depending on your political point of view, was either a
breath of fresh air or the ruination of the Republican Party.
Either way, she had a huge impact.
Sen. Ted Stevens and Gov. Rod Blagojevich: These two
proved once again that political corruption knows no party.
The Republican Stevens and the Democratic Blagojevich should now get
their own reality program entitled "Scamming with the Pols."
I especially like the governor speaking on the phone about getting bribes
for delivering Obama's senate seat, all the while knowing he was under
investigation by the feds.
Even O.J. Simpson wasn't that dumb. Well, maybe I'm overstating.
On the positive side, Hillary Clinton and John McCain both
ran spirited campaigns against President-elect Obama, and that helped
the nation decide a new direction.
Michael Phelps and the U.S. Olympic Team performed with class
and skill in Beijing. When Phelps hits the water, the impact is amazing.
But above all this year, the U.S. military has had a major impact
on the country and the world. Overcoming enormous obstacles to bring a
measure of stability to the beleaguered people of Iraq, our forces have
performed brilliantly. And, along with NATO troops, American troops
continue to protect the Afghan people from the horrors of the Taliban.
These brave, unselfish men and women proved once again in 2008 that
America is a noble nation.
Their impact and sacrifice should be positioned in the forefront of
any "person of the year" exposition.
Bloviating aside, that's the truth.
Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2008 1:00 pm
by awip2062
That is quite an unusual look at who has had impact on us this past year.
Kudos to our boys and girls! \m/
Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2008 1:13 pm
by Big Blue Owl
Bill-o is surprising me. I read that entire article and did not wince or even disagree once. That is a first for me. It is refreshing to read opinion pieces that are actually balanced, thoughtful and engaging rather than the cartoonish depths that punditties like Bill-o usually plunge to, regardless of what political side they 'gurge from.
Thanks, Cyg.
BTW, I do not like the shoe-to-the-head of our president. I mean, did you see those tiny things? Like teenage girl shoes. He wants a stout man shoe like a 15 wide Florsheim or a Doc Martin's. There's no graceful ducking from that.

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2008 1:20 pm
by Walkinghairball
Had it been my shoes the stench would have been declaired a bio hazzard.
Crap, then that would make me a terrorist.
Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2008 1:29 pm
by awip2062
Eh, we know we are safe with you, Bro.
*returns to her hiding spot in the hair*
Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2008 1:31 pm
by Big Blue Owl
Shoe Pure 100 - say goodbye to smelly shoes
Hang your shoes in the Shoe Pure 100 when you come home, and within half an hour, they'll smell like new. How? Well, the machine dries out 'fresh sweat' with warm air before it's absorbed by the shoe. And it gives off a nice glow while it does it.
Yes, of course it's from Japan. No price available as yet.