Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2008 9:46 am
I was walking across a bridge one day and a man was about to jump off and I stopped him and said, "Sir, have you nothing to live for?"
And he replied, "No, I think God has forgotten me.
I said, "So you are a Christian?"
He said, "Why yes.
And I said "What kind, Baptist or Catholic or Presbyterian?"
He replied, "Why Baptist of course.
And I was encouraged.
I said "What kind of Baptist, Southern or INdependent?"
He replied, "Independent, of course.
And I said, "Soul Winning Independent Baptist or Calvinistic?"
He said "Soul winning of course.
I replied, "Women-wearing-pants Soul Winning Independent-Baptist, or Modest-women-in-dresses-only Baptist?"
He said "Oh, no briches in my home." (I was really encouraged.
So I replied, "Traditional-Music, Women-wearing-pants Soul Winning Independent-Baptist, or CCM listening Baptist?"
He said "Traditional only.
And then I said "King James Bible, Traditional-Music, Women-wearing-pants Soul Winning Independent-Baptist, or New Versions Baptist.
He said, "Why the new versions are ok in my book, that is a personal decision.
And I pushed him over the edge and said "Die Heretic!!!!!"
And he replied, "No, I think God has forgotten me.
I said, "So you are a Christian?"
He said, "Why yes.
And I said "What kind, Baptist or Catholic or Presbyterian?"
He replied, "Why Baptist of course.
And I was encouraged.
I said "What kind of Baptist, Southern or INdependent?"
He replied, "Independent, of course.
And I said, "Soul Winning Independent Baptist or Calvinistic?"
He said "Soul winning of course.
I replied, "Women-wearing-pants Soul Winning Independent-Baptist, or Modest-women-in-dresses-only Baptist?"
He said "Oh, no briches in my home." (I was really encouraged.
So I replied, "Traditional-Music, Women-wearing-pants Soul Winning Independent-Baptist, or CCM listening Baptist?"
He said "Traditional only.
And then I said "King James Bible, Traditional-Music, Women-wearing-pants Soul Winning Independent-Baptist, or New Versions Baptist.
He said, "Why the new versions are ok in my book, that is a personal decision.
And I pushed him over the edge and said "Die Heretic!!!!!"