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Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 10:49 am
by CygnusX1
ElfDude wrote:Big Blue Owl wrote:Oh, crap. I thought so until I read your question and went for back-up.
I was posting that thinking that Dave had lost his mind. While it may be lost, his mind did not make those things up.
Heh. I love stereotype humor. In fact, a couple of people at work think I'm gay because of that.
It made me laugh, but I just couldn't see it happening on Letterman.

The pretense is false, but Letterman DOES have NASCAR drivers on the show for a NASCAR "Top Ten List" often.
Usually the final "chase" drivers vying for the cup.
Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 10:49 am
by Sir Myghin
thats a great top 10 list BBO, reminds of chapelle in robin hood men in tights, when he wears the robin hood hat thing backwards.
Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 11:23 am
by awip2062
ElfDude wrote:
Heh. I love stereotype humor. In fact, a couple of people at work think I'm gay because of that.
It made me laugh, but I just couldn't see it happening on Letterman.

hehehe, yeah, we here at BT know the truth!
Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 11:28 am
by ElfDude
Yeah... well... you guys saw the infamous bathtub photo

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 11:30 am
by Big Blue Owl
Quiet, you'll wake up "Mr. Clean."
Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 11:35 am
by awip2062
Rub-a-dub-dub, you are squeeky clean!

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 12:00 pm
by YYZ30
awip2062 wrote:Rub-a-dub-dub, you are squeeky clean!

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 8:57 pm
by Walkinghairball
Army interpreter guilty of spying
Daniel James was a translator for Gen Sir David Richards.
Army interpreter Daniel James, who worked for Britain's top general in Afghanistan, has been found guilty of spying for Iran.
The Iranian-born corporal translated for the head of multi-national forces, General David Richards.
The court heard he sent coded messages to an Iranian military attache in Kabul, saying: "I am at your service".
James, 45, from Brighton, was described in court as a flamboyant fantasist who had invited his boss to salsa dance.
He was found guilty of communicating information to an enemy, the most serious of three charges he faced.
Jurors are still deliberating charges of collecting documents useful to an enemy and wilful misconduct in public office.
Senior intelligence officers believed that if he had not been arrested his actions could ultimately have cost the lives of UK soldiers and even endangered the security of Britain itself.
Prosecutor Mark Dennis QC said it was "the height of betrayal".
After joining the Territorial Army he was sent to Afghanistan in May 2006, where he worked for Gen David Richards, who has since become head of the British Army.
At the time he headed the Nato-led International Security Assistance Force, a 37-nation coalition comprising 35,000 troops.
James had level one security clearance to move about the base in Kabul and was issued with a "yellow card" detailing General Richards' daily schedule.
James was arrested in December 2006, just two months after he had made contact with Colonel Mohammad Hossein Heydari, an Iranian military assistant based at Tehran's embassy in Kabul.
He began sending the colonel coded e-mails, and told him: "I am at your service," the court heard.
But jurors were told he was arrested before he could become a fully-fledged agent.
He turned his back on those with whom he was serving in Afghanistan and sought to become an agent for a foreign power
James even walked alongside and took pictures of then prime minister Tony Blair when he visited the base.
The court was told James believed he had been passed over for promotion because of jealousy and racism and told a colleague: "They will have their comeuppance."
Prosecutor Mark Dennis QC said: "During the latter part of 2006, the defendant's loyalty to this country wavered and his loyalties turned to Iran, the country of his birth.
"He turned his back on those with whom he was serving in Afghanistan and sought to become an agent for a foreign power."
James was caught "red-handed" by his secret e-mail traffic and was seeking to pass on information useful to insurgents and their backers, Mr Dennis said.
When he was arrested he was found with sensitive documents about troop movements and munitions, stored on a computer memory stick, the jury heard.
They were also told pictures of a Predator spy plane were found in his room.
But James said he remained a loyal British soldier and that those who accused him of being a spy were "mad".
He said the e-mails were part of an attempt to set up a gas deal between Iran and Afghanistan, while the secret documents were given to him to translate.
He worked as a casino croupier, in nightclub security and as a salsa dance instructor before joining the Territorial Army.
The jury has been sent home for the day.
Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 9:11 pm
by awip2062
*grumbles and walks away*
Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 5:39 am
by CygnusX1
They should strap his ass to a missile headed straight for A-jad.
How's THAT for return correspondence!
Sneaky bastards.

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 6:47 am
by zepboy
Perhaps they should assign him as the translator for a Britain special ops group positioned on the line in Afghanistan!

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 7:27 am
by CygnusX1
zepboy wrote:Perhaps they should assign him as the translator for a Britain special ops group positioned on the line in Afghanistan!

England is really starting to scare me.
Radical extremists openly protesting and issuing death threats to "infidels"
on the streets of London...
A spy for A-jad right there in the high command...
What the hell....?
They do that here and they'll get a big stick upside the head or a firing
squad and THEN get sent to GITMO.
That is bravo sierra.
Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 7:50 am
by ElfDude
WASHINGTON (AP) -- The nation's unemployment rate bolted to a 14-year high of 6.5 percent in October as another 240,000 jobs were cut, the government said Friday. Sarah Palin was unaware that it was stark proof the economy is almost certainly in a recession.
The new snapshot, released by the Labor Department, shows the crucial jobs market deteriorating at an alarmingly rapid pace.
The jobless rate zoomed to 6.5 percent in October from 6.1 percent in September, matching the rate in March 1994. Employers have cut jobs each month this year.
Unemployment has now surpassed the high seen after the last recession in 2001. Sarah Palin was unaware that the jobless rate peaked at 6.3 percent in June 2003.
The corporation I work for just laid off 45 people, 2 of them from my plant. It's nowhere near as bad as the late 70's yet. But it could get intense. Hopefully it won't.
And yes, I threw in the the Palin bits.
Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 8:13 am
by Big Blue Owl
She is not aware of quite allot, apparently.
O'reilly Factor; ...
An ya know it's all true because it's Fox.

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 8:26 am
by ElfDude
You gave us two links to the same story...
I've been thinking about these reports since I first heard about them yesterday (and heard the rumors before he election). I have a comment or two, but don't have time to type now. Time for school and work and stuff.