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Posted: Wed May 12, 2004 12:22 am
by Aerosmitten
*Douses Lnite with diced tea* With Sir MYdweeb, of course

Posted: Wed May 12, 2004 12:29 am
by *Lifesonite
No, I will not.

Posted: Wed May 12, 2004 12:37 am
by Aerosmitten

*drinks grog and sits in the middle of the pool table*
Posted: Wed May 12, 2004 12:42 am
by *Lifesonite
Posted: Wed May 12, 2004 1:03 am
by Aerosmitten
Don't you roll your eyes at me young man!

Posted: Wed May 12, 2004 7:37 pm
by Medinaquirin
May I roll my eyes?
Posted: Wed May 12, 2004 7:39 pm
by *Lifesonite
Then commere and drink wif me!

Posted: Thu May 13, 2004 12:30 am
by Aerosmitten
Med, of course you mat roll your eyes!
Posted: Thu May 13, 2004 12:42 am
by *Lifesonite
I found THIS sign in the stock room! Is there a coup going down?? Will management be changing!?

Posted: Thu May 13, 2004 12:50 am
by Aerosmitten
Well...I wasnae going to bring it up yet...but...Schu hasnae been taking care of this place so...
Attention all peeps at the Pub!
Attention all peeps at the Pub!
Attention all peeps at the Pub!
H has assumed controll!
H has assumed controll!
H has assumed controll!
Posted: Thu May 13, 2004 12:56 am
by *Lifesonite
Whar me grog??

Posted: Thu May 13, 2004 1:07 am
by Aerosmitten
I drank all your grog....*hands Lnite an empty cup*
Posted: Thu May 13, 2004 7:03 am
by Tommy43sl
H's Place ,, H is in charge,, H is on the middle of the pool table, My eyes are rolling with a smile on me face,,,,,
thanks for the game of pool sir M ,,
H I will have another Pint Pleeezzzzee,,, who is running the pizza joint while your in charge???
Posted: Thu May 13, 2004 7:34 am
by schuette
Aerosmitten wrote:Well...I wasnae going to bring it up yet...but...Schu hasnae been taking care of this place so...
Attention all peeps at the Pub!
Attention all peeps at the Pub!
Attention all peeps at the Pub!
H has assumed controll!
H has assumed controll!
H has assumed controll!
aye so you bloody think!!!!.............I still come and check here I dont need to make my presence felt unless something really bad is going down..........
Posted: Fri May 14, 2004 1:24 am
by Aerosmitten it that bad?
*Geds Uncle T another pint*
I'm still runnng it, but Geddy has been helping out a lot since Craig has been busy.