hehehehe ....it was staples that I had and they were not sore in the slightest to come out....thankfully
The bruise *ite was where they inserted the drain to keep the blood away from what they were doing, the wee purple dot thingy is where the drain was........it's that thought more than anything that grosses me out
Hehe..smart ! I tried such a thing once, a while ago when I had this awfull lot of stitches in my right hand, but the problem was that the booze never reached my brains if I poorde it in there, so it had no effect at all...Next time I will just try to cut my ear off...just like Vincent van Gogh ...see if that works...
hey light..think about it too much and your fucked..what's gonna happen will happen..no point worrying about the now..learnt that lesson a while back..thoughts with you though..and seriously..dont worry till you have too..
schuette wrote:hey light..think about it too much and your fucked..what's gonna happen will happen..no point worrying about the now..learnt that lesson a while back..thoughts with you though..and seriously..dont worry till you have too..
I'm sorry I haven't written. I've been through the emotions. Now I have accepted what is coming.
I knew there was something wrong when I started feeling tired even though I haven't done anything. There are other times when I feel like I'm in overdrive. Today I'm in tired mode. When the doctor told me what they found, it took a few minutes to sink in. Then I cried, told family members the news and went into my room to cry and hug my sheep doll.
My parents took me out to eat to cheer me up. I was pretty much a mess but I didn't want to cry in public. The main thing was calling and telling family members the news. Especially Devil's Advocate. I called his home and his mom was very supportive. She took the phone to him and I told him and he calmed me down while I cried more.
Days that followed, I've been preparing. I am meeting the surgeon on August 27th and he will tell me when the day arrives. Heck this could be my last saturday before hospital. I don't know. I don't remember how it went the last time. I got the time off of work even though it is a temp job. Both the temp agency and assigned place told me my health is first and I will be back at the assigned place when I recover. I went out with my mom to get a few things like a robe, slippers, and books since I was at the hospital a week when they did the surgery before. Devil's Advocate wanted to be here but he was just here for May/June and he'll pretty much be on his own here while I'm out of it.
I don't know if they'll do another biopsy or stick me in a tube to get pictures. The doctor believes it is still benign. The older I get, more lumps could come, my thyroid is permanently broken, and it could turn malignant. So he reassured me I'll be all right.
Thanks for the well wishes and reassurances guys. Everybody has been doing that. My parents are prepared to keep D.A. notified. I'll give you an update after Wednesday. I've been finding reassurance in Doctor Who adventures too. If he can face the worst enemies, I'm ready to face this again.