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Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 7:31 am
by Soup4Rush
sorry if this offends anyone, but this is one stupid bitch..
NASHVILLE, Tennessee (AP) -- Country singer Lorrie Morgan has filed for bankruptcy for primarily business related debts, according to a court filing.
Morgan filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy in federal court, listing her estimated liabilities between $1 million to $10 million. The bankruptcy filing showed her with assets of $500,000 to $1 million.
The 49-year-old singer, who lives in the Nashville, Tennessee suburb of Lebanon, released a statement calling the bankruptcy "an unfortunate yet necessary part of the restructuring of my business."
"It's very important to me that my fans and business associates understand that I'm OK," she said. "Today's economic times have affected many American families and businesses. I, along with many of you, am not immune to this fact. I would appreciate the courtesy of my friends and fans respecting my privacy regarding this matter."
I can't believe this dumb bitch is comparing herself to working families. Yeah, the average American family has 10 mil in liabilities.

Cut up your credit cards you dumb bitch and quit blaming the economy because you cant control yourself at Nieman Marcus and Starbucks!!!

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 7:39 am
by Big Blue Owl
How do you REALLY feel about it, Soup?

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 7:52 am
by Soup4Rush
sorry, that is the irresponsibility that pisses me off, and a lot of the reason this country and the world is in such chaos.. in this greedy society and have to have it now world, irresonsible lending by banks and people with no control, and using bankruptcy as a way out.. which hurts us all.. and she is comparing herself to the working family who are facing real financial peril just trying to put gas in their 10 year old station wagon...
Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 7:54 am
by zepboy
Unfortunately, Soupie, tons of people these days don't even understand the concept of personal responsibility. They really believe they are victims of circumstance beyond their control!
Just look at the mortgage crisis . . . same thing. A bunch of people who get themselves in over their heads, then refuse to accept responsibility for contacts they signed.
Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 8:09 am
by Big Blue Owl
Big Blue Owl wrote:I can't believe that nobody posted this horrific story yet!
McCain Volunteer Ashley Todd Attacked and Mutilated in Pittsburgh
A McCain campaign volunteer was attacked and mutilated while being robbed at an ATM in Bloomfield, near Pittsburgh last night. The attacker carved a ?B? into the 20-year-old woman?s face after noticing McCain bumper stickers on her car.
Pittsburgh news stations and newspapers are reporting that Ashley Todd, from College Station, Texas, was withdrawing money from an ATM around 9pm Wednesday after leaving a Republican phone bank, when she was approached by ?a dark-skinned African-American man about 6ft tall;, who held a knife at her throat.
The suspect stole $60 from Todd and became enraged when he saw the McCain stickers on her car, saying, ?Oh you?re with McCain, you?re with the McCain campaign? I?m going to teach you a lesson.??
After repeatedly hitting, kicking and threatening the young woman, the suspect then carved a ?B? in her cheek for ?Barack? Obama.
Todd is in Pittsburgh volunteering for the McCain-Palin campaign. A spokesperson for the campaign says that Senator McCain and Governor Palin have both spoken to Todd.
The Obama-Biden campaign released a statement saying ?Our thoughts and prayers are with the young woman for her to make a speedy recovery, and we hope that the person who perpetrated this crime is swiftly apprehended and brought to justice.?
Walkinghairball wrote:^^^
Is this really true or more muddy propaganda????
If it is it's absofreakinlutely wrong and the perp needs the same. If not it's just another reason I hate politics.
McCain volunteer charged in attack hoax
updated 9:08 p.m. ET, Fri., Oct. 24, 2008
PITTSBURGH - A young campaign volunteer for John McCain made up a story of being robbed, pinned to the ground and having the letter "B" scratched on her face in what she had said was a politically inspired attack by a black man, police said Friday.
Race has been a sensitive issue in the presidential campaign, as Democrat Barack Obama would be the first black U.S. president if he wins the Nov. 4 election.
Ashley Todd, 20-year-old college student from Texas, admitted Friday that the story was false, including the claim that the "B" stood for "Barack," said Maurita Bryant, the assistant chief of the police department's investigations division.
Todd was charged with making a false report to police, and Bryant said police doubted her story from the start.
Dressed in an orange hooded sweat shirt, Todd left police headquarters in handcuffs late Friday and did not respond to questions from reporters. The mark on her face was faded and her left eye was slightly blackened when she arrived in district court.
Todd was awaiting arraignment Friday on the misdemeanor false-report charge, which is punishable by up to two years in prison.
News video - McCain campaign steered reporters to hoax attack story.
Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 8:13 am
by zepboy
She is clearly a disturbed person. This makes me wonder if she really supports McCain, or is a racist who just wants to oppose someone who is not like her. Hmmmm . . .
Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 8:19 am
by Big Blue Owl
She could be mental, but it is not likely that she is not a McCain supporter. She took a year off of college to work on the campaign. That's dedication
Ethan Eilon, executive director of the College Republicans National Committee, told FOX News that Todd was volunteering as a field representative through his organization and that she had taken a year off from her studies at Blinn College to work on the campaign.
Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 8:25 am
by zepboy
Yes, I would agree that that is indeed a commitment. Nonetheless, I wonder about her motivation. I think that a stable person would not have ventured out onto such risky ground to further a candidate.
This looks to me as a genuine McCain supporter who then acted on her own twisted perception of campaigning. Perhaps she is subconsciously looking for attention for herself.
Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 8:29 am
by Big Blue Owl
Definitely! Went all noodle-doodle when she realized that taking off for a year might come to naught if indications are accurate. I think the black eye must have been Halloween makeup. It was gone the next day.
Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 8:30 am
by zepboy
One thing I have enjoyed about this election is how the wierdies have crawled out of the woodwork . . . both sides!
Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 8:33 am
by Big Blue Owl
You can't make this stuff up!
Oh, wait, you
can, but then you get busted

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 8:40 am
by Soup4Rush
I thought I had heard this was a hoax on Friday, but I kept my yap shut because I was not sure..
Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 8:47 am
by ElfDude
SYDNEY - A dog was hailed as a hero on Sunday after it risked its life to save a litter of newborn kittens from a house fire, rescuers said.
In a case which gives the lie to the saying about "fighting like cats and dogs," the terrier cross named Leo had to be revived with oxygen and heart massage after his ordeal. Fire broke out overnight at the house in Australia's southern city of Melbourne, where he was guarding the kittens.
Firefighters who revived Leo said he refused to leave the building and was found by them alongside the litter of kittens, despite thick smoke.
"Leo wouldn't leave the kittens and it nearly cost him his life," fire service Commander Ken Brown told reporters.
The four kittens also survived the fire and on Sunday Leo, whom firefighters nicknamed Smoky, was again back at the house.
Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 11:56 am
by Big Blue Owl
I hope we haven't blundered our way to another 911.
Syria blasts U.S. ?aggression?
Posted: 12:22 PM ET
LONDON, England (CNN) ? Syria?s foreign minister on Monday strongly condemned a U.S. attack inside Syria a day earlier that killed at least seven people, calling the incursion an act of ?terrorist aggression.?
The U.S. military has not confirmed the attack, but an American official ? who would not be identified but has access to U.S. intelligence ? told CNN on Monday that U.S. forces had conducted a ?successful? strike into Syria on Sunday to kill a suspected al Qaeda facilitator believed be smuggling money, weapons and foreign fighters in to Iraq.
The intended target of the attack was ?Abu Ghadiya?, an Iraqi whose family has been active in smuggling across the Syrian border for ?some time,? the U.S. official told CNN.
Syrian foreign minister Walid al-Muallem disputed the explanation. ?This is lies from the United States,? al-Muallem told CNN in an interview.
Syria's state news agency SANA said four U.S. helicopters crossed the border and struck a farm about 8 kilometers (5 miles) inside Syria before returning to Iraqi airspace.
The raid occurred about 4:45 p.m. (1345 GMT). The helicopters hit a civilian building under construction on the farm, killing a father and his four sons, a married couple and another man, SANA said.
Syria's deputy foreign minister contacted the U.S. embassies in Damascus and Baghdad, SANA said.
Syria demanded Iraq's government "immediately investigate this serious violation" and bar U.S. forces from striking Syria from its territory. They have also promised to get "vengence."
Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 12:29 pm
by ElfDude
Big Blue Owl wrote:The U.S. military has not confirmed the attack, but an American official ? who would not be identified but has access to U.S. intelligence ? told CNN on Monday that U.S. forces had conducted a ?successful? strike into Syria on Sunday to kill a suspected al Qaeda facilitator believed be smuggling money, weapons and foreign fighters in to Iraq.
The intended target of the attack was ?Abu Ghadiya?, an Iraqi whose family has been active in smuggling across the Syrian border for ?some time,? the U.S. official told CNN.
Doesn't sound like a blunder...