Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 5:11 am
copy and pasted for more news on why everyone hates us - Priest makes 'most honest confession' of his life - Jun 27, 2006 - Priest makes 'most honest confession' of his life - Jun 27, 2006
If there was ever any need to confirm that the church will deny culpability for this abomination until the end of days, this will do it.
..."During the film, O'Grady details how he preyed on children, how the Diocese of Stockton, California, knew about the abuse, and how O'Grady claims church officials allowed him to abuse children for two decades by moving him from parish to parish instead of removing him from ministry."
..."In a deposition, Monsignor James Cain, one of O'Grady's superiors, tried to explain why he did not tell police about the earlier allegations.
"Certainly I knew the one in '76 took place but didn't put the two together," Cain said. "One was a girl -- inappropriate touching, the other was a boy. So I just didn't hook them up in my own mind." "
..."In a statement, the Archdiocese of Los Angeles called "Deliver Us From Evil" an "obvious anti-Church hit piece."
Archdiocese spokesman Tod Tamberg, who viewed the film prior to its debut, sent a statement saying it is "primarily based on anti-Church assertions by plaintiff's attorneys who stand to gain financially and on the self-serving comments of former priest O'Grady, a sick, twisted monster and, like most molesters, a master manipulator." "
::snort scoff:: Yeah, it's all about the money. It has nothing to do with this...
..."O'Grady said he started abusing children when he arrived in California in 1976 and spent time in the home of parishioners who had a 5-year old daughter named Ann."
..." "He was in here saying morning prayers, during the nighttime he's molesting my daughter," a tearful Bob Jyono said in the film. "Raping her," he continues, "not molesting her -- raping her. At 5 years old. How can that happen? That's just what he did." "
Those greedy bastids!!!
posted by Kimber at 7:33 PM :: ~#~
(0) comments
Saturday, June 24, 2006
Many thanks to Lori Ann
She passed this along to me and I just about died laughing...
Winnepeg Herald, Manitoba Canada May 31, 2006
The flood of American liberals sneaking across the border into Canada has intensified in the past week, sparking calls for increased patrols to stop the illegal immigration. The actions of President Bush are prompting the exodus among left-leaning citizens who fear they'll soon be required to hunt, pray, and agree with Bill O'Reilly.
Canadian border farmers say it's not uncommon to see dozens of sociology professors, animal-rights activists and Unitarians crossing their fields at night.
"I went out to milk the cows the other day, and there was a Hollywood producer huddled in the barn," said Manitoba farmer Red Greenfield, whose acreage borders North Dakota. The producer was cold, exhausted and hungry. "He asked me if I could spare a latte and some free-range chicken. When I said I didn't have any, he left. Didn't even get a chance to show him my screenplay, eh?"
In an effort to stop the illegal aliens, Greenfield erected higher fences, but the liberals scaled them. So he tried installing speakers that blare Rush Limbaugh across the fields. "Not real effective," he said. "The liberals still got through, and Rush annoyed the cows so much they wouldn't give milk."
Officials are particularly concerned about smugglers who meet liberals near the Canadian border, pack them into Volvo station wagons, drive them across the border and leave them to fend for themselves.
"A lot of these people are not prepared for rugged conditions," an Ontario border patrolman said. "I found one carload without a drop of drinking water. "They did have a nice little Napa Valley cabernet, though."
When liberals are caught, they're sent back across the border, often wailing loudly that they fear retribution from conservatives. Rumors have been circulating about the Bush administration establishing re-education camps in which liberals will be forced to drink domestic beer and watch videos of NASCAR races with the volume up full blast.
In recent days, liberals have turned to sometimes-ingenious ways of crossing the border. Some have taken to posing as senior citizens on bus trips to buy cheap Canadian prescription drugs. After catching a half-dozen young vegans disguised in powdered wigs, Canadian immigration authorities began stopping buses and quizzing the supposed senior-citizen passengers on Perry Como and Rosemary Clooney hits to prove they were alive in the '50s.
"If they can't identify the accordion player on The Lawrence Welk Show, we get suspicious about their age," an official said.
Canadian citizens have complained that the illegal immigrants are creating an organic-broccoli shortage and renting all the good Susan Sarandon movies. "I feel sorry for American liberals, but the Canadian economy just can't support them," an Ottawa resident said. "How many art-history majors does one country need?"
In an effort to ease tensions between the United States and Canada, Vice President Dick Cheney met with the Canadian ambassador and pledged that the administration would take steps to reassure liberals, a source close to Cheney said. We're going to have some Peter, Paul & Mary concerts. And we might put some endangered species on postage stamps. The President is determined to reach out," he said.
posted by Kimber at 12:38 PM :: ~#~
(0) comments
Sunday, June 11, 2006 - Molly Ivins: Now, back to the real?crisis - Jun 7, 2006 - Molly Ivins: Now, back to the real?crisis - Jun 7, 2006
I believe what we have here is a difference over moral values.
The Republicans are worried about the flag, gay marriage and the terrible burden of the estate tax on the rich. The rest of us are obviously unnecessarily worried about war, peace, the economy, the environment and civilization. Another reason to vote Republican -- they have a shorter list."
Now you see that? Someone who can make her point without personally eviscerating anyone. But as a result of that, she won't get any of the press. Sad, isn't it?
posted by Kimber at 11:34 AM :: ~#~
(0) comments
Tuesday, June 06, 2006 - Your e-mails:�Same-sex marriage debate - June 6, 2006 - Your e-mails:Same-sex marriage debate - June 6, 2006:
"The amendment affects me because I consider myself, a woman, to have essential female qualities that contribute to the health and happiness of my husband and children. I am not interchangeable with a gay man.
Joni Stimpson, Columbia, Maryland"
"If homosexuals were allowed to legally marry this would affect me and the way I raise my children. I raise them to believe that right is right and wrong is wrong, and homosexuality is wrong. And yes, our laws are based on the Bible (study your American history). I am also raising my children in preparation for their own marriages, and you can't do that correctly if there are no standards. My son is being raised to be a good husband to his wife, and vice-versa for my daughters. Legalizing homosexual marriage would do nothing more than confuse the youth of today, who already have way too few positive role models.
Tammy, McKinney, Texas"
Can I say that these are representative of the two stupidest arguments in this whole wacked debate?
There is NOTHING intrinsically "feminine" or "masculine" that outweighs being a seriously crappy parent. If you're an intolerant bigot who is teaching her children to discriminate against people who don't conform to their personal moral code...then you can totally be replaced by a gay man and your children will be all the better for it. If you're a woman who looks the other way while your husband molests your children, a woman who beats her children, neglects your children etcetera ad nauseum then not only could you but you SHOULD be replaced by ANY AVAILABLE SANE HUMAN BEING. Regardless of race, creed, gender or sexual orientation.
And if I hear/read ONE MORE IDIOT give me the "laws based on the bible" crap my head is going to explode! The fact that your church supplies you with biased/inaccurate research doesn't make you right, it makes you a gullible lemming. Trust me, I was raised fundamentalist christian for the first 13 years of my life, I know how the system works. Everything that is not of the church is wicked and wrong. Well IT'S REALLY NOT!!! It's time for you people to use your brains for something beside holding your ears apart! The founders of this country were NOT christians, they were deists. The laws of this land were not based on the bible. Thomas Jefferson fought tooth and nail to make sure that the separation of church and state was absolute. The fact that christians have been whittling away at it since day one is a separate issue, which is what we are addressing here. You are trying to MAKE the laws of the land based on the bible NOW, which is totally against the precepts and intent of the original authors of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.
Leave these poor people alone! Let them get married, have families, be happy, contributing members of society for crying out loud! Mind your own damn business.
posted by Kimber at 1:19 PM :: ~#~
(0) comments
Sunday, May 28, 2006
ABC News: Top Veteran Official Joins Pentacle Debate
ABC News: Top Veteran Official Joins Pentacle Debate
"RENO, Nev. May 27, 2006 (AP)? Over the years, families have used religious symbols such as the Jewish Star of David, the Christian cross and the Islamic crescent and star to honor their loved ones on headstones and markers. For Sgt. Patrick Stewart's family, the symbol of choice was also from his religion: the Wiccan pentacle.
But of all the symbols and faiths recognized by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, Wicca and its emblem a circle around a five-pointed star are not among them.
The department is reviewing a request to include the symbol, but when a decision will come is unclear.
That has angered many. The state's top veterans official, Tim Tetz, said he was "diligently pursuing" the matter with Gov. Kenny Guinn, Sen. Harry Reid, D-Nev., and Rep. Jim Gibbons, R-Nev.
"Sergeant Stewart and his family deserve recognition for their contributions to our country," said Tetz, executive director of the Nevada Office of Veterans Services."
Now I'm not even a "military supporter" and I applaud this guy. Damn right!
posted by Kimber at 6:29 PM :: ~#~
(3) comments
Friday, May 19, 2006
For Judy
I was going to just address this in the comments section but it's too big so...
"LOL! Remind me-- when was the last time you were arrested and threatened with being executed for being Wiccan in this country?
Any non-Christian religion in this country is not tolerated-- give me a break."
So it's only intolerance if you're being executed?????????
"I don't think that witchcraft is a religion. I wish the military would rethink this decision."
-- George W. Bush to ABCNEWS, June, 1999
Senate Republican joins
call to end military
accommodation of Wicca:
...During a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing last week, Sen. Strom Thurmond, R-S.C., submitted a statement decrying Wicca, a nature-based faith, as irreligious and saying it should not be accommodated by the military....
...The persecution of Brandi Blackbear began in the aftermath of the Columbine shootings. According to her complaint, she was targeted by school administrators in the spring of 1999 because of rumors that she had written a story "about an incident at school." (Blackbear is an aspiring fiction writer, with an interest in horror stories.) Her locker was searched and her private notebooks confiscated. School officials found a story involving a shooting on a school bus and promptly suspended her.
Ostracized and harassed by fellow students, Blackbear returned to school in the fall of 1999 and began a private study of Wicca. Within a few months, a teacher was hospitalized for a still unknown ailment, and Blackbear says she was blamed: An aptly named assistant principal, Charles Bushyhead, accused her of practicing Wicca, casting spells, and causing the hospitalization of the mysteriously ill teacher. According to the lawsuit, Bushyhead called Blackbear an immediate threat to the school and suspended her for another 15 days. ...
...This is what religious freedom means to some devout Americans: the freedom to practice "respectable" or "true" religions, not "counterfeit" religions like Wicca. If the accusations of witchcraft in Blackbear's case are outr?, the majoritarian religious fervor that punishes adherence to alternative faiths is common. It shapes disputes about official school prayers, which are usually challenged by people of minority faiths whose children are scorned and taunted by the majority. It surfaced recently in the response of the right-wing Family Research Council to an invocation by a Hindu priest offered in the U.S. Congress. "Our founders," proclaimed the council, "expected that Christianity--and no other religion--would receive support from the government, as long as that support did not violate people's consciences and their right to worship. They would have found utterly incredible the idea that all religions, including paganism, be treated with equal deference." ... (bolding mine)
Wiccans Offer Alternative to Boy Scouts ^ | October 31, 2002 | Michael L. Betsch
Posted on 10/31/2002 9:05:17 AM PST by H8DEMS
( - Frustrated by an unsuccessful campaign to achieve religious recognition from the Boy Scouts of America, a Seattle-based Wicca church has launched its own youth program, which is based on tolerance for different beliefs, including differences in sexual orientation.
SpiralScouts founder Pete 'Pathfinder' Davis believes that many of the things the Boy Scouts are doing are "socially inappropriate." He said he created to the SpiralScouts to "fill the void left by prejudicial treatment of other established children's programs."
America Gets Wise To The Wiccan Menace
An American Wiccan has filed a legal challenge against religious persecution from his divorce court. Apropos of nothing, Cale J. Bradford, the chief judge of the Marion Superior Court in Indiana banned the Wiccan Thomas Jones Jr. and his Wiccan ex-wife Tammie Bristol from exposing their 9 year-old son to "non-mainstream religious beliefs and rituals" such as Wicca. As Mr. Jones, who has "organized Pagan Pride Day events in Indianapolis," complained"
"This was done without either of us requesting it and at the judge's whim. It is upsetting to our son that he cannot celebrate holidays with us, including Yule, which is winter solstice, and Ostara, which is the spring equinox."
Way too many to list, just go read it...
posted by Kimber at 6:20 PM :: ~#~
(7) comments
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Main Page - WikiThePresidency
Main Page - WikiThePresidency
For what it's worth.
posted by Kimber at 9:33 PM :: ~#~
(0) comments
.: about me :.
Gemini, Wiccan, loves Sci-Fi/Fantasy, computers, crafts, reading, writing, making graphics and making friends.
.: site links :.
Previous Posts - Priest makes 'most honest confession' of his life - Jun 27, 2006
Many thanks to Lori Ann - Molly Ivins: Now, back to the real?crisis - Jun 7, 2006 - Your e-mails:�Same-sex marriage debate - June 6, 2006
ABC News: Top Veteran Official Joins Pentacle Debate
For Judy
Main Page - WikiThePresidency
Big Brother update - U.S. finds religious freedom threatened worldwide - May 3, 2006
Something a bit different for me
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Tony Attwood
THE Asperger's Syndrome guru
Stop the NRA
'Nuff said
In Remembrance of Me
My 1st blog
a female in transition
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.: daily reads :.
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.:Nephilim FORBIDDEN:.
Not Like a Fountain
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Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS)
New FDA head must restore scientific integrity
Andrew von Eschenbach, if confirmed by the Senate as the new head of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, must protect public health and safety by stopping the interference in agency research documented by a recent UCS survey., 2006-08-02, 5:33:37
FDA scientists pressured to exclude, alter findings
A Union of Concerned Scientists survey of scientists at the U.S. Food and Drug Administration shows pervasive political interference in the agency's research. Public health and safety may suffer as a result., 2006-07-20, 6:25:16
Backroom deal alleged in nuclear regulatory decision
The Union of Concerned Scientists filed its formal opposition to a Nuclear Regulatory Commission decision that ignores water contamination caused by nuclear power plants--a decision that may have been influenced by an industry lobbyist., 2006-07-20, 5:45:18
New Senate bill targets global warming emissions
The Global Warming Pollution Reduction Act would minimize the risk of dangerous climate change by reducing heat-trapping emissions 80 percent below 1990 levels by 2050., 2006-07-20, 5:38:52
U.S. missile defense wouldn't stop North Korean missiles
Though North Korea's recent long-range missile test failed, the country likely has the technical capability to neutralize America's missile defense system. A UCS video shows the effect of simple countermeasures on U.S. defenses. (RealPlayer required.), 2006-07-10, 5:30:26
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Mon 7 Aug, 2006
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free hit counter - Priest makes 'most honest confession' of his life - Jun 27, 2006 - Priest makes 'most honest confession' of his life - Jun 27, 2006
If there was ever any need to confirm that the church will deny culpability for this abomination until the end of days, this will do it.
..."During the film, O'Grady details how he preyed on children, how the Diocese of Stockton, California, knew about the abuse, and how O'Grady claims church officials allowed him to abuse children for two decades by moving him from parish to parish instead of removing him from ministry."
..."In a deposition, Monsignor James Cain, one of O'Grady's superiors, tried to explain why he did not tell police about the earlier allegations.
"Certainly I knew the one in '76 took place but didn't put the two together," Cain said. "One was a girl -- inappropriate touching, the other was a boy. So I just didn't hook them up in my own mind." "
..."In a statement, the Archdiocese of Los Angeles called "Deliver Us From Evil" an "obvious anti-Church hit piece."
Archdiocese spokesman Tod Tamberg, who viewed the film prior to its debut, sent a statement saying it is "primarily based on anti-Church assertions by plaintiff's attorneys who stand to gain financially and on the self-serving comments of former priest O'Grady, a sick, twisted monster and, like most molesters, a master manipulator." "
::snort scoff:: Yeah, it's all about the money. It has nothing to do with this...
..."O'Grady said he started abusing children when he arrived in California in 1976 and spent time in the home of parishioners who had a 5-year old daughter named Ann."
..." "He was in here saying morning prayers, during the nighttime he's molesting my daughter," a tearful Bob Jyono said in the film. "Raping her," he continues, "not molesting her -- raping her. At 5 years old. How can that happen? That's just what he did." "
Those greedy bastids!!!
posted by Kimber at 7:33 PM :: ~#~
(0) comments
Saturday, June 24, 2006
Many thanks to Lori Ann
She passed this along to me and I just about died laughing...
Winnepeg Herald, Manitoba Canada May 31, 2006
The flood of American liberals sneaking across the border into Canada has intensified in the past week, sparking calls for increased patrols to stop the illegal immigration. The actions of President Bush are prompting the exodus among left-leaning citizens who fear they'll soon be required to hunt, pray, and agree with Bill O'Reilly.
Canadian border farmers say it's not uncommon to see dozens of sociology professors, animal-rights activists and Unitarians crossing their fields at night.
"I went out to milk the cows the other day, and there was a Hollywood producer huddled in the barn," said Manitoba farmer Red Greenfield, whose acreage borders North Dakota. The producer was cold, exhausted and hungry. "He asked me if I could spare a latte and some free-range chicken. When I said I didn't have any, he left. Didn't even get a chance to show him my screenplay, eh?"
In an effort to stop the illegal aliens, Greenfield erected higher fences, but the liberals scaled them. So he tried installing speakers that blare Rush Limbaugh across the fields. "Not real effective," he said. "The liberals still got through, and Rush annoyed the cows so much they wouldn't give milk."
Officials are particularly concerned about smugglers who meet liberals near the Canadian border, pack them into Volvo station wagons, drive them across the border and leave them to fend for themselves.
"A lot of these people are not prepared for rugged conditions," an Ontario border patrolman said. "I found one carload without a drop of drinking water. "They did have a nice little Napa Valley cabernet, though."
When liberals are caught, they're sent back across the border, often wailing loudly that they fear retribution from conservatives. Rumors have been circulating about the Bush administration establishing re-education camps in which liberals will be forced to drink domestic beer and watch videos of NASCAR races with the volume up full blast.
In recent days, liberals have turned to sometimes-ingenious ways of crossing the border. Some have taken to posing as senior citizens on bus trips to buy cheap Canadian prescription drugs. After catching a half-dozen young vegans disguised in powdered wigs, Canadian immigration authorities began stopping buses and quizzing the supposed senior-citizen passengers on Perry Como and Rosemary Clooney hits to prove they were alive in the '50s.
"If they can't identify the accordion player on The Lawrence Welk Show, we get suspicious about their age," an official said.
Canadian citizens have complained that the illegal immigrants are creating an organic-broccoli shortage and renting all the good Susan Sarandon movies. "I feel sorry for American liberals, but the Canadian economy just can't support them," an Ottawa resident said. "How many art-history majors does one country need?"
In an effort to ease tensions between the United States and Canada, Vice President Dick Cheney met with the Canadian ambassador and pledged that the administration would take steps to reassure liberals, a source close to Cheney said. We're going to have some Peter, Paul & Mary concerts. And we might put some endangered species on postage stamps. The President is determined to reach out," he said.
posted by Kimber at 12:38 PM :: ~#~
(0) comments
Sunday, June 11, 2006 - Molly Ivins: Now, back to the real?crisis - Jun 7, 2006 - Molly Ivins: Now, back to the real?crisis - Jun 7, 2006
I believe what we have here is a difference over moral values.
The Republicans are worried about the flag, gay marriage and the terrible burden of the estate tax on the rich. The rest of us are obviously unnecessarily worried about war, peace, the economy, the environment and civilization. Another reason to vote Republican -- they have a shorter list."
Now you see that? Someone who can make her point without personally eviscerating anyone. But as a result of that, she won't get any of the press. Sad, isn't it?
posted by Kimber at 11:34 AM :: ~#~
(0) comments
Tuesday, June 06, 2006 - Your e-mails:�Same-sex marriage debate - June 6, 2006 - Your e-mails:Same-sex marriage debate - June 6, 2006:
"The amendment affects me because I consider myself, a woman, to have essential female qualities that contribute to the health and happiness of my husband and children. I am not interchangeable with a gay man.
Joni Stimpson, Columbia, Maryland"
"If homosexuals were allowed to legally marry this would affect me and the way I raise my children. I raise them to believe that right is right and wrong is wrong, and homosexuality is wrong. And yes, our laws are based on the Bible (study your American history). I am also raising my children in preparation for their own marriages, and you can't do that correctly if there are no standards. My son is being raised to be a good husband to his wife, and vice-versa for my daughters. Legalizing homosexual marriage would do nothing more than confuse the youth of today, who already have way too few positive role models.
Tammy, McKinney, Texas"
Can I say that these are representative of the two stupidest arguments in this whole wacked debate?
There is NOTHING intrinsically "feminine" or "masculine" that outweighs being a seriously crappy parent. If you're an intolerant bigot who is teaching her children to discriminate against people who don't conform to their personal moral code...then you can totally be replaced by a gay man and your children will be all the better for it. If you're a woman who looks the other way while your husband molests your children, a woman who beats her children, neglects your children etcetera ad nauseum then not only could you but you SHOULD be replaced by ANY AVAILABLE SANE HUMAN BEING. Regardless of race, creed, gender or sexual orientation.
And if I hear/read ONE MORE IDIOT give me the "laws based on the bible" crap my head is going to explode! The fact that your church supplies you with biased/inaccurate research doesn't make you right, it makes you a gullible lemming. Trust me, I was raised fundamentalist christian for the first 13 years of my life, I know how the system works. Everything that is not of the church is wicked and wrong. Well IT'S REALLY NOT!!! It's time for you people to use your brains for something beside holding your ears apart! The founders of this country were NOT christians, they were deists. The laws of this land were not based on the bible. Thomas Jefferson fought tooth and nail to make sure that the separation of church and state was absolute. The fact that christians have been whittling away at it since day one is a separate issue, which is what we are addressing here. You are trying to MAKE the laws of the land based on the bible NOW, which is totally against the precepts and intent of the original authors of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.
Leave these poor people alone! Let them get married, have families, be happy, contributing members of society for crying out loud! Mind your own damn business.
posted by Kimber at 1:19 PM :: ~#~
(0) comments
Sunday, May 28, 2006
ABC News: Top Veteran Official Joins Pentacle Debate
ABC News: Top Veteran Official Joins Pentacle Debate
"RENO, Nev. May 27, 2006 (AP)? Over the years, families have used religious symbols such as the Jewish Star of David, the Christian cross and the Islamic crescent and star to honor their loved ones on headstones and markers. For Sgt. Patrick Stewart's family, the symbol of choice was also from his religion: the Wiccan pentacle.
But of all the symbols and faiths recognized by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, Wicca and its emblem a circle around a five-pointed star are not among them.
The department is reviewing a request to include the symbol, but when a decision will come is unclear.
That has angered many. The state's top veterans official, Tim Tetz, said he was "diligently pursuing" the matter with Gov. Kenny Guinn, Sen. Harry Reid, D-Nev., and Rep. Jim Gibbons, R-Nev.
"Sergeant Stewart and his family deserve recognition for their contributions to our country," said Tetz, executive director of the Nevada Office of Veterans Services."
Now I'm not even a "military supporter" and I applaud this guy. Damn right!
posted by Kimber at 6:29 PM :: ~#~
(3) comments
Friday, May 19, 2006
For Judy
I was going to just address this in the comments section but it's too big so...
"LOL! Remind me-- when was the last time you were arrested and threatened with being executed for being Wiccan in this country?
Any non-Christian religion in this country is not tolerated-- give me a break."
So it's only intolerance if you're being executed?????????
"I don't think that witchcraft is a religion. I wish the military would rethink this decision."
-- George W. Bush to ABCNEWS, June, 1999
Senate Republican joins
call to end military
accommodation of Wicca:
...During a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing last week, Sen. Strom Thurmond, R-S.C., submitted a statement decrying Wicca, a nature-based faith, as irreligious and saying it should not be accommodated by the military....
...The persecution of Brandi Blackbear began in the aftermath of the Columbine shootings. According to her complaint, she was targeted by school administrators in the spring of 1999 because of rumors that she had written a story "about an incident at school." (Blackbear is an aspiring fiction writer, with an interest in horror stories.) Her locker was searched and her private notebooks confiscated. School officials found a story involving a shooting on a school bus and promptly suspended her.
Ostracized and harassed by fellow students, Blackbear returned to school in the fall of 1999 and began a private study of Wicca. Within a few months, a teacher was hospitalized for a still unknown ailment, and Blackbear says she was blamed: An aptly named assistant principal, Charles Bushyhead, accused her of practicing Wicca, casting spells, and causing the hospitalization of the mysteriously ill teacher. According to the lawsuit, Bushyhead called Blackbear an immediate threat to the school and suspended her for another 15 days. ...
...This is what religious freedom means to some devout Americans: the freedom to practice "respectable" or "true" religions, not "counterfeit" religions like Wicca. If the accusations of witchcraft in Blackbear's case are outr?, the majoritarian religious fervor that punishes adherence to alternative faiths is common. It shapes disputes about official school prayers, which are usually challenged by people of minority faiths whose children are scorned and taunted by the majority. It surfaced recently in the response of the right-wing Family Research Council to an invocation by a Hindu priest offered in the U.S. Congress. "Our founders," proclaimed the council, "expected that Christianity--and no other religion--would receive support from the government, as long as that support did not violate people's consciences and their right to worship. They would have found utterly incredible the idea that all religions, including paganism, be treated with equal deference." ... (bolding mine)
Wiccans Offer Alternative to Boy Scouts ^ | October 31, 2002 | Michael L. Betsch
Posted on 10/31/2002 9:05:17 AM PST by H8DEMS
( - Frustrated by an unsuccessful campaign to achieve religious recognition from the Boy Scouts of America, a Seattle-based Wicca church has launched its own youth program, which is based on tolerance for different beliefs, including differences in sexual orientation.
SpiralScouts founder Pete 'Pathfinder' Davis believes that many of the things the Boy Scouts are doing are "socially inappropriate." He said he created to the SpiralScouts to "fill the void left by prejudicial treatment of other established children's programs."
America Gets Wise To The Wiccan Menace
An American Wiccan has filed a legal challenge against religious persecution from his divorce court. Apropos of nothing, Cale J. Bradford, the chief judge of the Marion Superior Court in Indiana banned the Wiccan Thomas Jones Jr. and his Wiccan ex-wife Tammie Bristol from exposing their 9 year-old son to "non-mainstream religious beliefs and rituals" such as Wicca. As Mr. Jones, who has "organized Pagan Pride Day events in Indianapolis," complained"
"This was done without either of us requesting it and at the judge's whim. It is upsetting to our son that he cannot celebrate holidays with us, including Yule, which is winter solstice, and Ostara, which is the spring equinox."
Way too many to list, just go read it...
posted by Kimber at 6:20 PM :: ~#~
(7) comments
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Main Page - WikiThePresidency
Main Page - WikiThePresidency
For what it's worth.

posted by Kimber at 9:33 PM :: ~#~
(0) comments
.: about me :.
Gemini, Wiccan, loves Sci-Fi/Fantasy, computers, crafts, reading, writing, making graphics and making friends.
.: site links :.
Previous Posts - Priest makes 'most honest confession' of his life - Jun 27, 2006
Many thanks to Lori Ann - Molly Ivins: Now, back to the real?crisis - Jun 7, 2006 - Your e-mails:�Same-sex marriage debate - June 6, 2006
ABC News: Top Veteran Official Joins Pentacle Debate
For Judy
Main Page - WikiThePresidency
Big Brother update - U.S. finds religious freedom threatened worldwide - May 3, 2006
Something a bit different for me
.: my links :.
Live 365
Internet Radio Carrier
KCIX Classic Country
Internet Radio Station
Women of Strength and Inner Beauty
An online community for Women
Project Gutenburg
Thousands of free e-books...GO...NOW!!!
Oh my Gods!
The funniest pagan comic anywhere
Tony Attwood
THE Asperger's Syndrome guru
Stop the NRA
'Nuff said
In Remembrance of Me
My 1st blog
a female in transition
My 2nd blog
.: daily reads :.
Rising Hegemon UPDATED
Think Progress UPDATED
.:Nephilim FORBIDDEN:.
Not Like a Fountain
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Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS)
New FDA head must restore scientific integrity
Andrew von Eschenbach, if confirmed by the Senate as the new head of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, must protect public health and safety by stopping the interference in agency research documented by a recent UCS survey., 2006-08-02, 5:33:37
FDA scientists pressured to exclude, alter findings
A Union of Concerned Scientists survey of scientists at the U.S. Food and Drug Administration shows pervasive political interference in the agency's research. Public health and safety may suffer as a result., 2006-07-20, 6:25:16
Backroom deal alleged in nuclear regulatory decision
The Union of Concerned Scientists filed its formal opposition to a Nuclear Regulatory Commission decision that ignores water contamination caused by nuclear power plants--a decision that may have been influenced by an industry lobbyist., 2006-07-20, 5:45:18
New Senate bill targets global warming emissions
The Global Warming Pollution Reduction Act would minimize the risk of dangerous climate change by reducing heat-trapping emissions 80 percent below 1990 levels by 2050., 2006-07-20, 5:38:52
U.S. missile defense wouldn't stop North Korean missiles
Though North Korea's recent long-range missile test failed, the country likely has the technical capability to neutralize America's missile defense system. A UCS video shows the effect of simple countermeasures on U.S. defenses. (RealPlayer required.), 2006-07-10, 5:30:26
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