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Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2004 5:10 pm
by schuette
KaelMwithascrubbrush wrote:Ach, wilkomen DutchRush. Ich kann kein Niederlaendisch, aber ich kann ein gutes Deutsch reden. Naja, aufwiedersehen....
and now your gonna translate that plz Kaelmewaethedutchaccent...
Auch gutenabend...
Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2004 6:05 pm
by DutchRush
Danke Schon fur ihren antwort in Deutsche sprache..Es ist mal wieder schon meines Deutsch zu ubnen.....Ich selber wohne eigentlich ganz in die nahe von der Deutsche grenze (ungefehr 30 km.) Meine entschuldigung fur das gegeben das meine Deutsch im schreiben nicht so besonders gut ist.....aber mann kanns immer versuchen nicht ? Bist du ubrigens Deutscher von origine ? oder ? Ich weiss schon das viele Deutscher sich auch im voller verzweifelung abfragen ob Rush auch nog da kommt. Und wenn die kommen, dan denken die Deutschen das es in Berlin sein soll...
Ich persohnlig hoffe das Rush auch noch nach die Niederlande worde wieder das erste mal sein seit 1982...Damals war ich auch dabei...and damals war ich vierzehn/funfzehn jahre alt ! Du kannst dich vielleicht vohrstellen das ich nur von das idee allein schon ganz begeisterd bin, nicht ?
Viele gru?en aus die Niederlande und ich hoffe das wir ons noch mal treffen hier...Tchu?, bis bald !
Der Toni.
Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2004 9:00 pm
by Sir Myghin
k i think i got this 1982 is some kind of space ship and rush is the secret code name for its passengers sprache obviously means arse. hope my transaltions have helped
Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2004 9:31 am
by awip2062
Nice try Dweeb. He thanked Kael for answering in German and talked about living near the German border. He apologized for not writing well in German. He asked how long Kael has known German (or something like that). Then some things that I am not gedding. Something about Rush comng and a celebration (prolly if they do there will be one).
Then something about him personaly hoping that Rush does come to the Netherlands,as they haven't been there since 1982, when he was 14/15 years old. And there is some other stuff too, that my German is too rusty to ged.
That should give you the gist of it though.
Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2004 3:59 pm
by Sir Myghin
my translations was made to be sheer humour
Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2004 11:10 pm
by KaelMwithascrubbrush
Sir Myghin wrote:my translations was made to be sheer humour
When it comes to my wife, sheer is cool
Toni, herzlichen Dank fuer den Gruess. Eigentlich, kome ich aus den Kalifornien, aber ich hab' mal in Deutschland gewohnnt. Aber das war dreizehn Jahre vorher (ach, bin ich schon so alt?). In den Statten kriegt man gar keine Uebung mit dem Deutsch, so es freut mich Dir auf Deutsch schrieben zu konnen...ubrigens, geht es manche Leute hier auf die Nerfen durch "fremden Sprachen" zu unterhalten...und das kann, naturlich, viel spass machen
Auch, ein Rush Konzert in Berlin waere Schoen...besonders wenn wir uns dabei Treffen koennten. Schade, das Geld reicht nicht dazu
...Hey T, got all that
Maybe you could be the board's dedicated Uebersetzerin
Saynomore saynomore saynomore...
Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2004 11:31 pm
by by-tor
KaelMwithascrubbrush wrote:Toni, herzlichen Dank fuer den Gruess. Eigentlich, kome ich aus den Kalifornien, aber ich hab' mal in Deutschland gewohnnt. Aber das war dreizehn Jahre vorher (ach, bin ich schon so alt?). In den Statten kriegt man gar keine Uebung mit dem Deutsch, so es freut mich Dir auf Deutsch schrieben zu konnen...ubrigens, geht es manche Leute hier auf die Nerfen durch "fremden Sprachen" zu unterhalten...und das kann, naturlich, viel spass machen
Auch, ein Rush Konzert in Berlin waere Schoen...besonders wenn wir uns dabei Treffen koennten. Schade, das Geld reicht nicht dazu
Hey Tonny, don't trust people from California.
And I saw Bruce Springsteen in Munich back in '85, almost 20 years ago, so there.
Re: New on the Forum
Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2004 7:32 am
by Mermaid of the Lunar Sea
DutchRush wrote:Hello Rushians ! My name is Tonny (male) and i'm a 38 year old Rush fan from the Netherlands. Never knew there were any meetingplaces at all for Rush fans from probably all over the world. I'm also very delighted with the world tour 2004 news...and i am still "anxiously" waiting for the extra tour announcements. I definetly hope that they will visit my country as well after the British shows ! There is quite a big follow up for Rush in my country as well, but apart from one radiostation (ArrowClassicRock) there isn't any airplay at all. On the other Neil would say..This is good development for avoiding all the hoopla
Well...short but sweet, this was to introduce myself tou you all and I hope to get to know you all...
Favourite Rush songs, by the way are, By Tor, Losing it, Jacobs Ladder and from the new album, Secret Touch...
Many regards from Tonny/the Netherlands (i guess that's Tony in English..)
Welcome, DutchRush!!
Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2004 8:44 am
by KaelMwithascrubbrush
by-tor wrote:Hey Tonny, don't trust people from California.
Dude, I had nothing to do with the governor!
Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2004 8:46 am
by by-tor
KaelMwithascrubbrush wrote:Dude, I had nothing to do with the governor!
That ain't too least you've got the Govenator....I'm moving to *gasp* Hillary Clinton's adopted state.
Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2004 11:11 am
by Immortal for a Ltd Time
Welcome, Tonny!!! This is a great board....have lots of fun here!
You're birthday is close to mine - which is March 9 - I'll be 36 (oops, I almost typed 26....a Freudian slip of the fingers?)
Happy early birthday!!
Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2004 12:01 pm
by awip2062
Sir Myghin wrote:my translations was made to be sheer humour
Uh...duh. I don't think you are that supid. You, like Fishheads, don't play drums.
Maybe you could be the board's dedicated Uebersetzerin
I don't think so!
Hey Tonny, don't trust people from California.
Hey now! Both KaelWhoSpeaksGerman and I are harmless.
Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2004 12:31 pm
by KaelMwithascrubbrush
awip2062 wrote:
Hey Tonny, don't trust people from California.
Hey now! Both KaelWhoSpeaksGerman and I are harmless.
Uhhhhh....yeah. What she said
Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2004 2:41 am
by Aerosmitten
Hello and welcome, sorry I am so slow to welcome you, I got locked in Useless Nonesence
Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2004 8:51 pm
by Sir Myghin
you seem to have forgotten that you shut the door and then slid the key under it H