Man Owlie that was very well done. I love the fretless bass. Is that drum machine or the real deal?
It is all very well and complimentary to the big pic. Love it. I can't wait to get my PC running at home to play it for Marn. She will love it too.

Moderator: Priests of Syrinx
You may be right there Bro...and I didnae notice!Walkinghairball wrote: Is that a drum machine or the real deal?
WHy on earth do I bother posting my own stuff when y'all shine so...ElfDude wrote:Since we're sharing, here's an instrumental piece of mine from ages ago. Do the right-click save as thing on this link like you did for BBO's.
http://matt.purescience.com/tunes/The_W ... Newman.mp3
ElfDude wrote:Since we're sharing, here's an instrumental piece of mine from ages ago. Do the right-click save as thing on this link like you did for BBO's.
http://matt.purescience.com/tunes/The_W ... Newman.mp3
Thanks Elfie, thought it was something a little different to our usual full on stuff. I dont think it's aged all that badly considering it's twelve years old.ElfDude wrote:Listening to the Daniel_Dorian_Darren one right now and am enjoying it! It's a good thing that one worked or you'd be in deep didgeri doo!!!