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Posted: Tue Sep 19, 2006 2:24 pm
by PV
Middle Kingdom wrote:I can watch any teams,
especially to root against:
and to a lesser extent
Flames and
Oh yeah... Hate those Flyers! I like to watch Buffalo (my original home town), Boston (obvious reasons, one being my second home town), and Anaheim (Pan's team).
Posted: Tue Sep 19, 2006 2:29 pm
by Middle Kingdom
not bads are:
Red Wings
Ducks new symbol is crappy.
Posted: Tue Sep 19, 2006 2:38 pm
by PV
It's not bad, actually. I like it better than the psycho looking Donald Duck thing they had goin' on!
Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 7:20 am
by Middle Kingdom
For new my friend PV:
I always wanted every hockey jersey, home and away growing up, so I would buy some here and there.
So vintage 1988: (excuse my son's Korn poster - and my awful mug!)
The "4" is an iron on, and the red has bled into it.
My name and a big 4 are on the back.

Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 7:23 am
by Middle Kingdom
Then my "baby", though it is a replica, the numbers are stitched, as well as the name on a nameplate. it's only missing the fight strap in the back, and a sewn on CCM logo. When I bought it, the guy ordered the replica, and I didn't know the difference, cus I just wanted no iron on numbers.
(My bunny Thunder came in to check out the commotion, so I grabbed him for the shot.


Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 7:26 am
by Middle Kingdom
These Oiler shirts ruled, and they should go back to them, rathr than the boring old blue.
and the back:

Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 8:57 am
by YYZ30
Wanna see my away Avalanche shirt (77 Bourque)? I havent worn it in ages.
Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 9:29 am
by Middle Kingdom
Yea, give it a whirl!
I wear my sports shirts during my bowling league.
The only "real" shirt I own is a Ben Coates game jersey (not worn in a game) the ugly one with the pats logo draped over the shoulders.
Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 10:04 am
by PV
Nice shirts!

I'll have to have one of the kids take a picture of me in my Jersey jersey.
And bowling league? Candlepin or 10 pin? I really miss candlepin!!!
Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 11:31 am
by Middle Kingdom
I don't like the black the Devils changed too, but oh well.
At least they kept red as the main "home" color.
Post a pic!
We (my wife and I) bowl ten pin on Wednesday nights.
For fun, once in a while we do candlepin.
I really enjoy it. Have broken 100 a couple times!
I'd love to try and get on TV for that, but I think you need a league average.
Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 11:38 am
by YYZ30
Middle Kingdom wrote:I don't like the black the Devils changed too, but oh well.
At least they kept red as the main "home" color.
Post a pic!
We (my wife and I) bowl ten pin on Wednesday nights.
For fun, once in a while we do candlepin.
I really enjoy it. Have broken 100 a couple times!
I'd love to try and get on TV for that, but I think you need a league average.
MK what house do you bowl out of?
I bowled candlepin last year- carried a 108 average with a high single of 151 and a high series (5 strings) of 608. I wish I could go back but I cant right now due to shoulder problems.
Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 11:48 am
by Middle Kingdom
Auburn Ten Pin, in Auburn MA (we live 2 minutes from the town line, and the alley.)
Now I'm at a 184 avg. I've had been at 189
two years ago, but I only get to bowl the one league, and never have time to practice, so I'nm inconsistent.
108 avg and 151 single
the rocks! I bet I've averaged about 90, the last dozen or so times I've done candlepin. I love making challenging spares with the wood.
Hope the shoulder heals enough for you to go back to it eventually.
Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 12:02 pm
by YYZ30
Middle Kingdom wrote:Auburn Ten Pin, in Auburn MA (we live 2 minutes from the town line, and the alley.)
Now I'm at a 184 avg. I've had been at 189
two years ago, but I only get to bowl the one league, and never have time to practice, so I'nm inconsistent.
108 avg and 151 single
the rocks! I bet I've averaged about 90, the last dozen or so times I've done candlepin. I love making challenging spares with the wood.
Hope the shoulder heals enough for you to go back to it eventually.
Auburn...AMF house? I was there a long time ago for a tenpin tourney...nice house, but the carry was shit

Plus I loved the 5am wakup call I had to get there for 830am!
Yes, 108 and a is a $$$$$ league so you put up or shut up. I put up big time.
Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 12:13 pm
by PV
You guys put me to shame with those scores!

I haven't candlepinned in many a year but I remember being in the high 90s.

As far as 10-pin, well... We just won't go there.
One of my best friends here in NJ is from Salem, MA and we want to open a candlepin alley that has a New England sports theme. I think it would go over really well - there are so many transplants around here! Who's in as an investor??

Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 12:15 pm
by YYZ30
And the year before I finished my ten pin league with a 192 (high average and I have the ring that comes with it) and I ended up seeded 14th in the bowler of the year event.