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Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2008 8:34 am
by Walkinghairball
Big Blue Owl wrote:I think it's possible that this spoiled, Playstation, no workin', entitled, weak ass generation will wake up to the horror soon. You don't know death until it happens to someone you love. It seems that people born about 10 years after myself (not all, but most) don't realize what opening the fridge to find nothing but ketchup is like. Kids screaming at their parents that they have to have this or that or they will die should do just that.

Shouldn't we tighten up and be reminded what it was like in the past? Rally 'round the family and save your chips for the electric bill.


Ketchup sammies go good with mayo to dunk them in..............sayin'. :-)

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2008 11:00 am
by awip2062
CygnusX1 wrote:
YYZ30 wrote:My state has a good law.

And if that scumbag went near my wife or son- he would have been eating fiberglass pool cue...then the business end of my driver...
I read it. Not a bad deal, but WV is King.

Home OR property, indoors - or out in your yard.

Shoot first, call 911 later.

Your odds of surviving a theft, burglary or assault just went up exponentially.
There was a memorial service at our Civic Field Monday (attended by over 3000 people and I heard at least 100 of her brother and sister K-9 units) for a peace officer who was murdered when she tried to investigate a van with no plates. After shooting this woman dead, the killer went an killed a retired man who was working outside in his yard and took the man's vehicle. The perp was killed by police as he left a store not far from there. He had been spotted and knew it and left the store waving a weapon. When he pointed at the officers, they got him first. Thanks be to G-d!

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2008 11:00 am
by awip2062
Walkinghairball wrote:
Big Blue Owl wrote:I think it's possible that this spoiled, Playstation, no workin', entitled, weak ass generation will wake up to the horror soon. You don't know death until it happens to someone you love. It seems that people born about 10 years after myself (not all, but most) don't realize what opening the fridge to find nothing but ketchup is like. Kids screaming at their parents that they have to have this or that or they will die should do just that.

Shouldn't we tighten up and be reminded what it was like in the past? Rally 'round the family and save your chips for the electric bill.


Ketchup sammies go good with mayo to dunk them in..............sayin'. :-)
My mom told me she used to take the ketchup packets from fast food places and mix them with hot water to make soup.

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2008 11:03 am
by CygnusX1
Big Blue Owl wrote:I think it's possible that this spoiled, Playstation, no workin', entitled, weak ass generation will wake up to the horror soon. You don't know death until it happens to someone you love. It seems that people born about 10 years after myself (not all, but most) don't realize what opening the fridge to find nothing but ketchup is like. Kids screaming at their parents that they have to have this or that or they will die should do just that.

Shouldn't we tighten up and be reminded what it was like in the past? Rally 'round the family and save your chips for the electric bill.
Testify Owlie.

I can remember mayonnaise sammiches and mustard sammiches.

My Grandfather told me they ate onion sammiches during WWII 'cuz they
could only buy meat once every two weeks, there wasn't much of it, and
the meat was basically the "leavin's." :???:

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2008 11:36 am
by CygnusX1
awip2062 wrote:My mom told me she used to take the ketchup packets from fast food places and mix them with hot water to make soup.
I think Richard Dreyfuss or Dustin Hoffman did that in the movie "The
Graduate," didn't he? :?

....that could work, but it would be salty as heck!

**cringes** **shudders**

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2008 11:43 am
by awip2062
She LOVED salt. She'd lick the back of her hand and pour salt on there to munch on while watching TV.

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2008 11:51 am
by CygnusX1
awip2062 wrote:She LOVED salt. She'd lick the back of her hand and pour salt on there to munch on while watching TV.
I used to put it on everything, but Sigette broke me of it. I'm a prime
candidate for high blood pressure.

(It's almost mandatory to salt and pepper military chow, so it was part of
my transition back to "1ST CIV DIV" to lay off of it.)

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2008 11:59 am
by awip2062
She had low blood pressure and used salt to help raise it at times. You keep that blood pressure in check, Joey!

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2008 12:05 pm
by CygnusX1
awip2062 wrote:She had low blood pressure and used salt to help raise it at times. You keep that blood pressure in check, Joey!
I can understand that, and yeah, I'm a steady 120 to 130/80 every time I
see the Doc with no meds.

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2008 1:29 pm
by YYZ30
Big Blue Owl wrote:I think it's possible that this spoiled, Playstation, no workin', entitled, weak ass generation will wake up to the horror soon. You don't know death until it happens to someone you love. It seems that people born about 10 years after myself (not all, but most) don't realize what opening the fridge to find nothing but ketchup is like. Kids screaming at their parents that they have to have this or that or they will die should do just that.

Shouldn't we tighten up and be reminded what it was like in the past? Rally 'round the family and save your chips for the electric bill.
I am 35, and on the fringe of the spoiled generation. The threat of nuclear war made the majority of us a generation of "I want it NOW" kids, because we didn't know about tomorrow being there. It carried over with the next generation (not the fear, but the "want it nows") and it just keeps growing exponentially with each new generation.

It is time to tighten the belt and not go nuts spending. I fully plan on tightening what I can.

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2008 1:51 pm
by awip2062
I am the spoiled generation from my family. Well, and my kids. heh They've been more spoiled than I was.

See, I was spoiled because my mom had it so tough. She didn't want me to have to go through all she had. She wanted me to have a childhood, to grow up without worrying about taking care of the family like she had, to go to school my whole youth and get a good education, to have nice things and pets that we weren't gonna eat and things like that.

Compared to most of the world, I am so freakin' rich! And my kids? Well, I try to give them an idea of what life is like for other kids who don't have what we do, but, as Zed says, the spoil factor grows.

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2008 2:57 pm
by YYZ30
Oh gee look, the French are at it again:

(stolen from ESPN dot com)
PARIS -- It could be truth or dare time on Lance Armstrong's comeback trail.

The French anti-doping authority has thrown down a challenge to the seven-time Tour de France champion, proposing he agree to retesting of his 1999 urine samples to see whether a French newspaper was right when it reported they contained traces of EPO, a banned blood-boosting hormone that enhances endurance.

A positive test from the samples could not lead to a ban that would thwart the 37-year-old's much-heralded return to cycling after three years in retirement. Too much time has passed for disciplinary measures to be taken and only part of Armstrong's samples were kept.

Even so, the proposal renews debate about one of the most contested questions surrounding Armstrong: whether he was clean when he won. He has always insisted that he was, and his new team, Astana, is hiring a drug-testing expert for Armstrong's comeback to try to silence doubters.

In a statement, the agency proposed the rider "prove his good faith" by agreeing to retesting of his samples from the 1999 Tour, the first in Armstrong's record string of seven wins.

The agency said it was acting in the interests "of objectivity and of justice and to allow the cyclist Lance Armstrong to cut short the rumors concerning him, if they are unfounded."

Armstrong spokesman Mark Higgins did not immediately respond to an e-mail sent by The Associated Press.

In drug testing, urine is divided into "A" and "B" samples, and both must show traces of a banned substance for the test to be declared positive.

Only remains from six "B" samples have been kept from Armstrong's 1999 Tour, the French agency said. So even if the "B" samples came back positive in new testing, there are no "A" samples left against which to compare results.

The samples are frozen in a drug testing laboratory in the suburbs of Paris. They've been a source of controversy since L'Equipe reported in 2005 that a new round of tests on the "B" samples found EPO, a blood-boosting hormone that enhances endurance.

Armstrong said then he was the victim of a "witch hunt." A Dutch lawyer appointed by cycling's governing body later cleared Armstrong. But Dick Pound, who then led the World Anti-Doping Agency, said the lawyer's findings were full of holes.

The French agency said sufficient urine remains to conduct EPO tests from at least five days of racing at the 1999 Tour. If Armstrong were to agree, tests could be carried out quickly at the lab in the presence of a representative for the rider, the agency said. Or, if Armstrong prefers, they could be done at an another WADA-accredited European lab outside France.

Quoted by L'Equipe, Pierre Bordry said he wanted to act as "a referee" between the newspaper and Armstrong. But Bordry already seemed to have an opinion, speaking to the newspaper of samples "which contain erythropoietin [EPO]."

"I want this comeback to take place in the best circumstances," L'Equipe quoted him as saying in its Wednesday edition. "If he agrees, we'll launch the operation."

He added: "This way, he will perhaps have the chance to affirm that he never cheated during his brilliant career."

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2008 3:07 pm
by awip2062
*rolls eyes*

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2008 5:36 pm
by zepboy
Those French . . . it's like they have a different word for everything!

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2008 6:52 am
by CygnusX1
I can't help but remember...this is being brought on by the folks that
love with their face and fight with their feet. :razz: