I have succumbed to my nerdiness.
I do not believe in huge conspiricy theories--yah--the Government is behind it ALL and lied to us and that's how I get my jollies. And get a meaning to life 'cause otherwise I wouldn't have one to call my own. (slander but fun)
Gotta admit, I think Oliver Stone is on a mission of some kind (he even admitted it himself) so movies like JFK, Wall Street, The Doors and Rain Man make me want another hit in the head with the inevitable plastic bat at the end of his movies (which are well done and entertaining anyway) in case I didn't get his message of immorality, corruption, deviance or some other vice that needs fixin' in the FIRST 90 minutes. Heh heh. OK, sorry. Unfair.
However, LOST intrigues me. I think it is well done.
Does anyone else follow it?