Where to begin......
Got there around 4 pm, and there were 8 people waiting outside the establishment. You could see the back view of the set thru a window on the side. Lorne and the boys were bringing in a few more things, and smiled to us as we lined up.
They let us in at 5pm, and those of us with food got a pic with the set.
If you had nothing you could do it for $5.
Me with the set (note the World Champion Patriots hat.

<img src="http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y94/Th ... P_0819.jpg" alt="Image hosted by Photobucket.com">
We got to ooh and ahhh at it and take pics from all angles except behind, but the other crew members did that for us. The riser was not there, but all the electronic drums and the midi were, though they were not turned on.
There were cymbals and poster and special SS Professor stamped drumsticks (available for these ten shows only - $20) for sale.
Grabbed a pair of those.
Raffle tix were sold for $1, all proceeds going to the Red Cross for Katrina victims. We raised about $650 last night. Ther were about 75 people total for the evening. More to come...........!