H has been democratically deflowered!!! Yay! Hats off to you my dear drummergirl!!!
Actually, Elfie, I'm a closet Commie.

Seriously, I can't imagine what this country was like before women were allowed to vote. I was on FIRE when I hit 18 and registered. I was so proud to pull the lever for the first time. Really.
I'm sure many remember before Black people were even allowed the vote (unthinkable now, right?) and now candidates are climbing over themselves for the demographic.
Again, the little birdy is learning to fly. It gets better and better, hopefully. Hopefully the word will spread and each American will realize it is not only a right but a priviledge and a duty to say what goes on in this country. I'm NOT a flag waver at ALL! I get disgusted along with the rest of peeps.
My Dad was raised a Democrat and is now a full-fledged Conservative Republican. My sister, raised in a Republican family rebelled and is so left wing she falls off Columbus' compass when the world was still "flat."
I happen to be registered Independent since I'm 18 since I don't wholeheartedly agree with either major party on all issues and never intentionally vote a straight ticket without thinking (learning) about the candidates. (oooh, who cares, Kares?) I guess I lean more Conservative since I've seen Government Glut take too much away (personal opinion...not preaching).
Anyway, my point is...Excercise your FREEDOMS!!! VOTE!!! Otherwise I don't want to hear any big, fat, flopping mouths complain about things unless they did the only thing they CAN do about things. The first thing, among others is to vote or shut up.