I think we need you to define what you mean by socialism to see why you say you are not a socialist when you say you are not one.
According to the Socialist Party of the USA, you fit the bill pretty well.
They are for: HEALTH CARE
The Socialist Party stands for socialized medicine-- a health care system based on universal coverage, salaried doctors and health care workers, and revenues derived from a graduated income tax.
The Socialist Party recognizes that the mechanisms in capitalism that oppress and alienate humans are the same mechanisms that destroy the environment.
The Socialist Party recognizes the human and civil rights of all, without regard to sexual orientation.
We call for the repeal of all sodomy laws and anti-lesbian and gay restrictions, and the legalization of same-sex unions.
We are committed to confronting the heterosexism that provides the fertile ground for homophobic violence, and support all efforts toward fostering understanding and cooperation among persons and groups of differing sexual orientations.
For more information on the Socialist Party in the USA and their platform, which, from your writing, I suspect you would like, go to
BTW...if you are so for freedom of speech, the First Amendment, upholding the constitution, et cetera, why would you send Elfie and I (and others here) to prison for being Christian and conservative?