THANK YOU RUSH for letting us celebrate 30 years with you! And for adding Between the Wheels. I always thought it would sound great live, and it just blew the roof off. I also can't say enough about the entire setlist. Yes we all have our favorites (I'd pay an extra $50 to hear Time Stand Still), but the songs are a perfect blend of old and new, pulling from nearly every album. The Feedback songs ROCK. I was glad to hear those as well as Mystic Rhythms, Red Sector A, Bravado and Earthshine. Oh, and the tour book is VERY nice!
It's always fun to see how they change bits and pieces of songs from the sealed perfection found on studio tracks. Add to that the eye candy on the screens and you're in for a ride. I loved the "look" of the split screens and how it balanced the stage out well. The movies were hilarious, esp. the bobbleheads! Also got a kick out of the snack machine. I really wanted to bring my 3D giant tinkertoy (Diff. Stages) to hold up but figured it wouldn't pass security.
And what was the deal with eveyone leaving during Bravado??? It wasn't far into the show, yet many people either forgot to potty beforehand, or decided that it was a good time to buy a shirt.

I swear Neil and I exchanged a look of "what the hell?" during that, because he clearly looked up and watched the hundreds (it FELT like that anyways) of souls leave their seats. Bravado, to me, is one of the most beautiful songs to come from this trio. Very melodic, and inspiring as well (much like The Pass). I just can't thank them enough for playing it the last 2 tours. Anyways, that was the only odd moment I picked up on (aside from being surrounded by tons of people who must have mistaken this for a Celine Dion concert.......I was the only one in my section rockin along to everything, lyrics and drum parts included!).
I was hoping to catch another show this tour, so if anyone remotely close to Ohio has extras (preferrably for a weekend) LMK! What's really frustrating is that I had the $$ set aside this year for a close seat, but even the Fan Club presale falls short. My goal is to see them from less than, say, 30 rows out before I die......anyone have suggestions? LOL.
Enjoy the tour everyone!