So perhaps you have seen the Facebook post that says 2015 is the year America was offended by everything. Yesterday was a sad example of that here in Port Angeles. A man ran a stop sign and hit another car, flipped, and ended up dying. Some people were attributing the accident to an RV that is parked near the intersection blocking the view of drivers, before knowing the facts. The facts show that the driver was heading south and the RV is parked on the southwest side so it was in no way blocking the view for the driver who ran the stop sign. This turned into a HUGE argument about the RV with the people who own the RV getting offended that people do not want them to park in front of their home and others being upset they park there. But a man died a d here we are arguing about something that really should be a non-issue. Views are blocked by vehicles, fences, plants, buildings, and drivers should creep out after stopping at a stop sign or slow way down at an unregulated intersection as a matter of course.
So why are we (as a nation) flying off about stuff all the freaking time? Was it easier for these folks to blame something without knowing the truth instead of waiting for th facts? Is it because we are not getting our way?
Moderator: Priests of Syrinx
Onward and Upward!
It's easy to become outraged and assign blame in these days of PC
MADNESS. Nobody waits for the truth anymore.
All prayers to the deceased and his family. I don't do FB and I haven't
seen/read any news story about it here in the East - but five'll get ya ten
that the driver was TEXTING or somehow DISTRACTED before the
MADNESS. Nobody waits for the truth anymore.
All prayers to the deceased and his family. I don't do FB and I haven't
seen/read any news story about it here in the East - but five'll get ya ten
that the driver was TEXTING or somehow DISTRACTED before the
Don't start none...won't be none.