Wow, That guy is amazing. What a great show!
I have been watching my daughter progress with her guitar, I just bought her a really nice Fender Stratocaster, looks just like Claptons, except it is burgundy and white..
anyway, she has been at it for a couple of years now and she is learning techniques like string bending, It has made me more aware when I watch concerts and I have a new found appreciation of these guitar players now.
Anyway, the jumbotrons really focused in on Clapton's fingers on the guitar. Just wow! I can't even put it into words.. What a show and what a sound he puts out.. If you have never seen Clapton live, I would highly suggest it..
saw Eric Clapton over the weekend
Moderator: Priests of Syrinx
saw Eric Clapton over the weekend
Happy 2015!
LOL!. She has tried teaching me basic chords and my fingers just won't do what they are supposed to do. Playing guitar does not seem to be that easy. Lets just say I have a whole new respect for guitar players now. I think I am content just to let her handle the guitar playing. I love to listen to her play.
I do like messing with the whammy bar, but the little brat always hides it from me..
I do like messing with the whammy bar, but the little brat always hides it from me..

Happy 2015!
Dude - my fat-guy digits are thick as sausages *giggity* - and if I can play a guitar, you can too. I mean, look at Lerxst now - He's got some meaty paws fo' sho'!
PATIENCE is the key. It's like learning to drive a stick shift. Look to Leslie West videos if you need some inspiration.
If not, get a drum kit and be her rhythm section!
The bottom line is...watching your child pick up an instrument is a blessed event.
Good stuff Bro. Enjoy it. They grow up SO FAST...
PATIENCE is the key. It's like learning to drive a stick shift. Look to Leslie West videos if you need some inspiration.
If not, get a drum kit and be her rhythm section!

The bottom line is...watching your child pick up an instrument is a blessed event.
Good stuff Bro. Enjoy it. They grow up SO FAST...
Don't start none...won't be none.