"And I didn't see much excitement but among the older people there, I saw if not resentment, skepticism. I didn't see a lot of warmth in that crowd out there that the president chose to address tonight. And I thought that was interesting. He went to maybe the enemy camp tonight."
-- Chris Matthews on the President's speech last night
If West Point is "the enemy camp" to the President of the United States something is very very wrong.
"President Obama was shown in photos Friday smiling with the
couple who crashed his State Dinner. The photos showed the
husband, the wife and the President.
If it's a crime to talk your way into the White House without a
background check, all three of them should face charges."
President Obama keeps talking about the jobs his administration
is "creating," but there are more people unemployed now than before he
took office. How can there be more unemployment after so many jobs
have been "created"?
"Well they gave me like 7 pills and 12 pills and I think 132 pills. Most of them are purple and they all have these letter EEEEEEEEEE's on them, and I don't know what that means, but I just-I just take 'em anyway!"