Me wrote:wasting emotional clocks deluding yourself with love's insecurity nothing but confusion towards emotional greed and that ones for YOUOOOOOOOOO!
World News .... Bloated corpses floating in a flood of their own tears feeding the rice patties.
When evil is allowed to compete with good, evil has an emotional populist appeal that wins out unless good men & women stand as a vanguard against abuse.
I came across a small molten worm spasmicly contracting, lengthening and reaching for hope on the pavement. Such simple suffering and even a worm can be so blind to intuition lost in the information around it. It writhed in fear despite micro fine careful handling. I can never forget my little pink friend.
OMG the words have stopped reading themselves finally may they are asleep. *sighs* I'll have to put a bunch of paper down and collect them...that's going to take all night
Mighty ducks take over hunting trips reversing rifles and killing men. Wingless birds hop like kangaroos, flying across the sand. Polar crickets flip across the ice in their metabolic feat. Snakes dangle from rafters out of reach and are forgotten like the government.
Watered down understanding of societies control vortex in narrow textbook definitions. Public schools nueter the minds of many and fill every last pocket with rules and regulations. Masses of starving minds devor words with snapping jaws. Empty hearts are filled with TV love stories. They don't know what they're missing their boxes are full with virtuality.