schuette wrote:
singing it in my head...cant remember the name...oh ..come together
It's a shame we didn't. I was just about 1 minute before you...typical.
awww babe
No, I meant that I posted the answer before you. See!!! Your mind is in the .....what did you call it?......the clipper...the flick....what is that Scottish term for dumpster?
I am finished watching AI for the rest of this season (because the voters have turned into a gaggle of MORONS) - just like I am finished watching Dancing with the Stars.
YYZ30 wrote: am finished watching AI for the rest of this season (because the voters have turned into a gaggle of MORONS) - just like I am finished watching Dancing with the Stars.
YYZ30 wrote: am finished watching AI for the rest of this season (because the voters have turned into a gaggle of MORONS) - just like I am finished watching Dancing with the Stars.
Another LOL!!!
Not my fault America voted the way they did, which was clearly WRONG
I have came back ...and you lot are so lucky that it is links you have posted...i think anyway..i might be too drunk to read it different...either way I have one request...I dont get the results till friday night...please dont spoil it for me...i only ask this one wee teeny thing
and if you do spoil it for me...I will make your life on by-tor hell
Big Blue Owl wrote:They couldn't have Rock Night when there were more contestants? We had to sit through Disco, Country, Moldy-Oldies, etc. with 10 or more performances of each. With Rock we get, what, 4? Kinda sucks.
Some great stuff tonight for you, though, Shuevva.
I'm with ya on that, Bro.
All that awful CRAP we had to sit through for weeks...
...and only four got to ROCK.
I like the band being on stage though.
They're too tight to be stuck playing in a pit or off-camera.