Working a customer service desk at a grocery store (aka dealing with stupid people) is going to be my mental downfall.
Here's a good one from yesterday THE 15TH - true phone call!!!
Me - answers the phone saying my usual greeting
Customer - I was in your store last weekend on the 4th and I purchased a gallon of milk. The freshness date is the 13th. I only drank about 2/3 or 3/4 of the gallon. Now it's past its date. Can I return it or get a new gallon?
Me -

Customer - Now it tastes sour, I don't think it's good anymore.
Me -

Customer - And I don't think I have my receipt.
Me - *recalls what my job description says* Yes, ma'am. You can bring that back. We'll be happy to refund you for the milk or replace it with a new gallon.

I would never, ever, ever have the gall to make a phone call like that!!! Dumb people... Sheesh... *engages shotgun*