*Gets Wishbone Robusto and lettuce and cheese, and that's right...tosses.*Walkinghairball wrote:Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm diced sake!!!!
*Throws 'maders at BBO*

Moderator: Priests of Syrinx
Thanks for the confidence you have in me! I try to live up to what I should do, but I don't always.Big Blue Owl wrote:Could have just been a careless parishioner with a candle or some callow youth smoking in the boys room.
I'm sure that you would. After all, that's what anyone who is a Christian should do automatically. Turn the other cheek while trading an eye for an eye.I hope that if my church building ever has anything like this happen that my congregation and I would react so.....Christlike.
*sigh*ANCHORAGE, Alaska ? An accelerant was poured around the exterior of Gov. Sarah Palin's church before fire heavily damaged the building, federal investigators said Monday. The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives said the accelerant was poured at several locations around the church, including entrances...
The blaze was set Friday night at the main entrance of the Wasilla Bible Church while a small group, including two children, were inside.Fire authorities were called to the scene at 9:40 p.m., unusually early for many arson fires, Starcevic said.
"It's kind of odd to do in the evening hours," he said. "I can tell you that most of the arson fires I've worked on are late nighttime, usually when no one is there."
awip2062 wrote:I don't agree with what he did, but....jail for throwing a shoe? If it were one of us common folk he threw the shoe at, would he be in jail?