Walkinghairball wrote:
Thanks for this.
I have never seen, (Heard all about it though), the rabbits on stage.
The rabbits have to be one of the neatest props I have seen used for a concert.
Seeing Neil get up and wave vigorously and smile was refreshing.
He usually runs full speed to waiting transportation to get the hell outta dodge.
You can really tell it was prior to his world spinning out of control.
The same thing happened to Mike Pinder of the Moody Blues, when they stopped touring in 1974 after Seventh Sojourn - the fame did his head in (don't completely quote me on that, it's been a while since I have watched the biography) and when the Moodies got back together in 1978 to do Octave he recorded with them. When it came time to sign the contracts to go on tour (1979), he got as far as putting the pen in his hand and sitting in front of the contract, and he couldn't sign it.
Semi related:
Outside the Worcester Centrum after the show in 1991, I am sitting in the backseat my my friend's Isuzu Trooper, and a limo pulls up beside us, and the window in the back goes down. Geddy waves to me, and *whoosh* the limo takes off.
I was trying to converse that fact in the car but all I made was a bunch of gurgling noises...