Walkinghairball wrote: Alice Cooper
THANKYEEEW....It was right on the tip of my tongue...
Walkinghairball wrote:I met him right after KISS decided to do reunion tour 1. He was in town with Alice. What a great show. He and a few others went to the nudie bar my brother used to work with so he got tickets, and sneekily arranged the meeting with Eric. I was having a cocktail and I hear my brother walk up behind me saying......"Eric, this is my brother Leon, he is a drummer here in town in a cover band....."
I almost crapped myself it was so cool.

That's a tre' cool encounter Bro!
That's how I felt at 17 meeting Alex and Char in Barbados.
(We were the only white people on the street. That made it a little easier
for my autograph ambush.) HAHAHA
There was no escape. They were easy marks. LOL
Matter of fact, he and Char both had the curly-perm-action goin' on at the
time . . .
Actually, they were really nice to me, seeing I was a young kid in a sailor
suit a long way from home. He gladly signed all my Barbados swag and
put "to" - whomever I asked him to - on it.
That was a "never forget" moment. No chance in Hell Alex remembers it,
but it doesn't matter.
He said Neil and Ged were in Jamaica at that same moment, so I thought
that was just cool as shit.
I can imagine the combustibles they must have went through!

Don't start none...won't be none.