awip2062 wrote:We could have a BT prom sometime so all of us with bad (or no) prom memories can heal.
I never got back to tell this tale.
I was a sophomore, dating a junior from the tech school in another town. She would get these killer migranes and needed meds for them.
So the night of the prom she comes in the limo to pick me up and we go, and things were getting interesting in the limo- anyways, she told me she had had a migrane earlier, and she needed to take a pill. Let me also add that we were riding BACKWARDS in the back of the limo.
10 minutes later "Kris, I don't feel so good" *yak* She got to go home, take a nap so she could feel better and have her mother fix her dress, while my tux (with tails!) was covered. My date also told me to stay at the door with one of her softball teammates- I should have stayed with the teammate for the night, I would have had more fun, because my date made me miserable when she got back. She was all nice and clean and sparkly, and I looked like shit...