Both candidates are on very shaky ground right now. Each are just a gaffe away from losing (IMO, of course). If I were a campaign manager for either one I'd be tearing what's left of my hair out right about now.Obama's gotta try really hard not to implode before election day.
Today's Headlines
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- ElfDude
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Cyg wrote:
Aren't you the guy who hit me in the eye?

I would be too! But here's the thing....ElfDude wrote:If I were a campaign manager for either one I'd be tearing what's left of my hair out right about now.
The drivers' license "giveaway" hasn't even hit the networks yet.
Consider that, along with "income redistribution" and I'm sure Obama is
sorry he even said it now, but the cat's out of the bag...
The elephants are running their own 30-minute "infomercial" too.
This race is gonna be incredible....literally.

Don't start none...won't be none.
- Big Blue Owl
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- Location: Somewhere between the darkness and the light is Obama ready to implode or on shaky ground? Other than the desperate straw-clutching that's being trumpeted by the McCain campaign, it seems pretty calm at camp Obama. He's so calm, cool and collected that he's taking several days off from his campaign to go home to his dying the 11th hour of the race! Is this where the turtle goes sludging by him to emerge victorious, or will Barack's grandma suddenly become an Arab terrorist baby-killer/drug fiend/hula dancing Satanist?ElfDude wrote:Cyg wrote:
Both candidates are on very shaky ground right now. Each are just a gaffe away from losing (IMO, of course). If I were a campaign manager for either one I'd be tearing what's left of my hair out right about now.Obama's gotta try really hard not to implode before election day.
You guys want to talk about imploding and gaffing, but blind eyes are turned to the twitching, lip-licking, ticking dud-bomb that McCain has become and to the mistake-a-minute, great to look at but horror to hear Palin mess. This is the comedy team you want to entrust our lives and those of children and elders alike to? Absolutely no personal offense intended, but THAT seems off-kilter to me. That is what perplexes me.
I drove by a little poorer neighborhood where the houses are kinda run down, the lawns are littered with kids toys and old cars on blocks and in this one, the front yard, dwarfing the house and yard, were McCain/Palin banners...and I thought, "What in the world do you think these two and their surrounding lobbyists and strategists are gonna do for you?"
(((((((((((((((all'a you)))))))))))))))
- ElfDude
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Good question. I'm going to attempt to answer it without interjecting any of my own opinion... just news-junkie observation.Big Blue Owl is Obama ready to implode or on shaky ground?ElfDude wrote:Cyg wrote:
Both candidates are on very shaky ground right now. Each are just a gaffe away from losing (IMO, of course). If I were a campaign manager for either one I'd be tearing what's left of my hair out right about now.Obama's gotta try really hard not to implode before election day.
Obama should be 30 points ahead in the polls right now. After the last seven years of absolutely horrible press and low approval ratings for Republican George Bush, the candidate of the Democrats should have been the easiest shoe-in (sp?) the party had ever seen. Yet, here we are with the election very close and though Obama has a lead, it's small (a statistical tie among likely voters in some polls), and the gap is currently narrowing.
And yesterday, after a few days of news about Joe the plumber getting an answer out of Obama that his campaign managers would never have let him say if could they have prevented it, the nation hears his running-mate saying that if he's elected there will most certainly be an international crisis within six months. Things like that don't help. A few months ago this wouldn't have done much... plenty of time to change the subject and talk about other things. But this close to the election it can smart a little. If I were David Axlerod (sp?) I would definitely be sweating right now.
McCain is on slightly shakier ground, since he's still a few points behind. His is base is begging him to hit the opposition even harder... nail him on Ayers, Wright, Flegger (sp?), Rezko, ACORN, his angry wife, etc. Others are telling him that going any further negative will hurt, rather than help. I wouldn't want to be managing that campaign either.
Was that a fair and balanced answer?

Aren't you the guy who hit me in the eye?

Big Blue Owl wrote: the twitching, lip-licking, ticking dud-bomb that
McCain has become and to the mistake-a-minute, great to look at but
horror to hear Palin mess.
I'm absolutely sure there's none taken.Big Blue Owl wrote:Absolutely no personal offense intended
And, with those colorful descriptions, I'm pretty sure you've just about
covered every derogatory observation about them that's humanly
mmmm...beantime here! Later y'all...***POOF***
Don't start none...won't be none.
- Big Blue Owl
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- Location: Somewhere between the darkness and the light
Yes, it's fair, but possibly slightly outdated. Since Powell's endorsement Obama has risen in the polls, in some to 11 points.
Obama can't be the expected 30 points higher because of all of the fear spreading negative attacks, the fact that he's black and there are still so many of us (especially in a southerly direction) who feel it is beneath them to have a "Negro tell them what to do," etc., etc., etc.
He will still win, though. And then everyone will eventually see what happens when our country is run less for greed and absolute power and more for humanity, peace and the well-being of the citizens of the country and the world. We will all see, but some will still cringe, scowl and scoff at his every move. Some things will never change.
Obama can't be the expected 30 points higher because of all of the fear spreading negative attacks, the fact that he's black and there are still so many of us (especially in a southerly direction) who feel it is beneath them to have a "Negro tell them what to do," etc., etc., etc.
He will still win, though. And then everyone will eventually see what happens when our country is run less for greed and absolute power and more for humanity, peace and the well-being of the citizens of the country and the world. We will all see, but some will still cringe, scowl and scoff at his every move. Some things will never change.
(((((((((((((((all'a you)))))))))))))))
As well as McCain gaining in polls from Obama's woopsies too.Big Blue Owl wrote: Yes, it's fair, but possibly slightly outdated. Since
Powell's endorsement Obama has risen in the polls, in some to 11 points.
Check YOUR state's poll Bro.

Whoa there Big Daddy! Not fair Mon Fraire! You can find that right downBig Blue Owl wrote:Obama can't be the expected 30 points higher
because of all of the fear spreading negative attacks, the fact that he's
black and there are still so many of us (especially in a southerly
direction) who feel it is beneath them to have a "Negro tell them what to
do," etc., etc., etc.
YOUR street. Right down MY street....

If you believe that, more power to ya Bro.Big Blue Owl wrote:He will still win, though. And then everyone will eventually see what happens when our country is run less for greed and absolute power and more for humanity, peace and the well-being of the citizens of the country and the world. We will all see, but some will still cringe, scowl and scoff at his every move. Some things will never change.
Save me a spot in the unemployment line.

Don't start none...won't be none.
Okay, I've come out as being for no one in this election. I don't want any of them, would love a new set of candidates.
That said, ya know what scares me? The way people are worshiping Obama. The songs, the way his followers talk about him in such, well, worshipful tones. I have a friend who is quite for Obama and he has already begun calling Obama "Our Leader". :l Our Leader?!?!! He's not been elected yet.
I cannot remember any election in the past where a candidate has gotten this kind of treatment. And it does scare me.
That said, ya know what scares me? The way people are worshiping Obama. The songs, the way his followers talk about him in such, well, worshipful tones. I have a friend who is quite for Obama and he has already begun calling Obama "Our Leader". :l Our Leader?!?!! He's not been elected yet.
I cannot remember any election in the past where a candidate has gotten this kind of treatment. And it does scare me.
Onward and Upward!
- Big Blue Owl
- Posts: 7457
- Joined: Thu Aug 17, 2006 7:31 am
- Location: Somewhere between the darkness and the light
What woopsies do you refer to?As well as McCain gaining in polls from Obama's woopsies too.
My state is, unfortunately one of the most biased there is. The local newspaper has come out, as usual, to endorse the Republican candidates, which seems maniacal to me in this age of the dying newspaper circulation.Check YOUR state's poll Bro
My state is turning from red to blue slowly. but surely, which hasn't been for...well, forever. I expect the polls and opinions expressed to be all red-biased, and you can see how that has made myself and others here buck up or shut up.
Agreed big time, but it is much more widely accepted as a way of life under the "belt." Sad, but true.Whoa there Big Daddy! Not fair Mon Fraire! You can find that right down
YOUR street. Right down MY street....
(((((((((((((((all'a you)))))))))))))))
- Big Blue Owl
- Posts: 7457
- Joined: Thu Aug 17, 2006 7:31 am
- Location: Somewhere between the darkness and the light
The last time I heard of someone having this kind of hopeful and peaceful affect on people he was ridiculed, tortured and nailed to a cross with a mocking crown of thorns embedded in his forehead. That's not a joke. Whenever someone is looked upon as a guide of good, he/she is extinguished. Not right then, not right now. I'm not comparing the two in the usual way, just to say that they always kill the good guys.awip2062 wrote:Okay, I've come out as being for no one in this election. I don't want any of them, would love a new set of candidates.
That said, ya know what scares me? The way people are worshiping Obama. The songs, the way his followers talk about him in such, well, worshipful tones. I have a friend who is quite for Obama and he has already begun calling Obama "Our Leader". :l Our Leader?!?!! He's not been elected yet.
I cannot remember any election in the past where a candidate has gotten this kind of treatment. And it does scare me.
(((((((((((((((all'a you)))))))))))))))
It is scary....We gotta choose what's on the menu...But here's a hard fact:awip2062 wrote:Okay, I've come out as being for no one in this election. I don't want any of them, would love a new set of candidates.
That said, ya know what scares me? The way people are worshiping Obama. The songs, the way his followers talk about him in such, well, worshipful tones. I have a friend who is quite for Obama and he has already begun calling Obama "Our Leader". :l Our Leader?!?!! He's not been elected yet.
I cannot remember any election in the past where a candidate has gotten this kind of treatment. And it does scare me.
Sarah Palin has more executive leadership experience in her PINKY
FINGER than Obama has....PERIOD.
Oh...get this... Obamanation is already sending out 250 inaugural
How arrogant is THAT? I gotta tell ya, I don't like what both camps are
up to, but the people will "speak" at the senatorial and congressional
elections as well.
I hope they shake it up...I hope every incumbent - donkey or elephant -
gets walking papers.
I hope Frank and Dodd are cellmates....Man, I could go on and on.
Don't start none...won't be none.
- ElfDude
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- Location: In the shadows of the everlasting hills
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That just freaks me out to hear. I must really be surrounded by good people. I simply don't know folk like that. Or if I do, they wouldn't say it in front of me.Big Blue Owl wrote:Agreed big time, but it is much more widely accepted as a way of life under the "belt." Sad, but true.Whoa there Big Daddy! Not fair Mon Fraire! You can find that right down
YOUR street. Right down MY street....
The McCain voters around me... I can think of plenty of black people they'd be happy to vote for if they were on the ballot...

Aren't you the guy who hit me in the eye?

"Sharing the wealth" for one, and the soon-to-be-exposed "free ride toBig Blue Owl wrote:What woopsies do you refer to?
your new drivers license" for illegal aliens.
People are already pissed about the handouts, but the license issue
should put McCain in the drivers seat by E-day.
This is incredible.
Don't start none...won't be none.