Woo hooo!!!!
Great show from the boys tonight.
Geddy said Happy Birthday America, and thought they had never
played on July 4th before.
During the end of Spirit, Neil did a martial beat and Alex played a line or two
of "When the Saints Go Marching In".
During the encore, Neil wore a new tea cozy which had the American flag stars & stripes on the facing with a red top, and before Ged's last solo bass line in YYZ, Alex played the chords to "Over There" (I forget which service that song is for, d'oh!).
The lights didn't fall from the ceiling at all and they didn't at PNC last year, so I wonder if there some sort of law involved for lighting rigs in NJ.
It totally changed Between The Wheels' look.
The crowd in my section sat except for the standards, which was good cus Mrs K could then see, but the guy to my right kept backing into me.
But it made for a dull section.
On a side note......is NJ the new world headquarters for lesbians?
Not that they bother me,
we have friends who are,
but they are everywhere!
Sorry Soup, not the ones you'd want to watch either.
Overall a good night, and now on to Monday night at Mohegan Sun
for my 28th drumming lesson from the Master.