We've always wondered what Neil Peart's motorcycle looked like
And now we know, thanks to MotoStars: Celebrities + Motorcycles, an upcoming exhibit at the Motorcycle Hall of Fame Museum, which apparently exists. Sure, its definition of celebrity is a little loose?in addition to the aforementioned Rush drummer (above), Carlos Mencia and Will.I.Am will be showing off their custom-designed hogs. But don't (er) rush to Ohio just yet: The show opens in March.
MotoStars: Celebrities + Motorcycles, opening late March, 2008, at the Motorcycle Hall of Fame Museum, 13515 Yarmouth Dr., Pickerington, Ohio, (614) 856-2222, motorcyclemuseum.org

(Of course, if they'd just looked at Andrew's photo there which they had with the article, they'd have known what it looks like. Or if they'd read the right books.