Xan's next life is a black saber shark...Seabitch was busy one day trying to seduce an old wrinlky perverted fisherman and couldn't seduce him not knowing that his special resistance was from fear; seeing the long sharp black fin circling the area. Frustrated she threw herself in the boat to rape him but he her beat her bloody with an oar...freaked out he tossed her into the water and rowed away. Xan started her attack by easily biting her tail fin off...and joyfully watching her struggle to swim as the sweat smelling blood clouded the water. Satisfied and glowing with happiness, Xan ripped her apart with steely jaws and a shake of her head...the Seabitch's death was agony as the saltwater irritated the wounds.
you have touched the matter with a needle; you have described it accurately
When evil is allowed to compete with good, evil has an emotional populist appeal that wins out unless good men & women stand as a vanguard against abuse.
*realizes many on the board had Thanksgiving today*
*throws the boiled turkey carcas across the board at Leon and the mashed taters at, who else, Mr. Potatoe Head, tosses salad at H the Skinny, gravies Elfdude, cranberry sauce at Sir M, Yams and BBO to stick on his feathers, and generally makes a mess of anyone and everyone who shows up*