Walkinghairball wrote:Marn went out and bought us "Fear of a Blank Planet" after she brought lunch to my work.
I will be spinning a groove thru this CD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wow! Truly converted to both Porcupine Tree AND the genius that is (my mate) Gavin Harrison bro! I like to think that I had a hand in that...toldjaWalkinghairball wrote:How can one get depressed while listening to a drumming monster like Gavin Harrison??????
Man, that dude can play.

PV wrote:Just have your anti-depressants handy, Hairy!
Personally I disagree PV. I love the album and it's concept. The point is one of observing, I find it prompts thought which can only be a good thing. I love the whole feel of the thing, 'Way Out of Here' is my personal fav'PV wrote:It's just the whole overtone of the album... *hides sharp objects*

One complaint is that the album is far too short at barely over fifty minutes. Apparently Steve Wilson believes folk would get bored with anything over an hour...eh? Not us mate. I've read of the track 'Nil Recurring' (With Robert Fripp) that didnt make the album but should feature somewhere down the line.
I have a rather interesting two part BBC radio interview with Mr Wilson. The first part features three 'in-session' live recordings of FOAB tracks from here in England. The second, Mr Wilson is being interviewed by none other than Bruce Dickinson although two tracks from the studio album are played.
Finally I have a cool sounding boot' from a recent show here in England 'Bristol Academy 24th April '07. The gig I was hoping to attend but couldnt due to a severe lack of money and transport, sigh. Interesting set list and they played 'Drown With Me' from the 'In Absentia' bonus disc...which is nice