CygnusX1 wrote:Panacea wrote:My cat Shadow is so smart he figured out what to do if there's a human in both bathrooms--kitchen sink, disposal side.

If I found feline butt-nuggets in MY sink....
....I'd have to feed the cat to the microwave.
Just kidding, but man - I dunno aboooot cat droppings in
same place I wash stuff that I eat on.
But hey, whatever trips your trigger.

The way I look at it, the poor cat had no place to go because we humans were occupying his two acceptable potty spots. He could have gone anywhere--the carpet, a bed, behind the couch--but he chose the one place that was easiest to clean up and disinfect. A bit of scrubbing and some disinfectant and it was good to go!

Besides, I wash my dishes in the dishwasher.
Big Blue Owl wrote:I applaud your resolution to make "Passage" a bathroom break, seeing how you don't agree with the subject matter and you want to try to shield your children from things you believe to be bad. I wish more parents would take this initiative. We'd have a much more respectful, considerate youth, willing to work hard for the rewards of life.
... Alex, Geddy and Neil smoked weed, did acid, snorted coke...I have it all in past magazine interviews, etc. ... All of the video depicts what millions of people do and enjoy every day. It is what the song is about, and it has been brought back again due to popular demand.
The same can be said for drugs (or even little ol' pot). If they know all the facts, see the images, learn the negatives, they can make educated choices when the time comes (and it will) when we aren't there to protect them.
Bottom line is it is up to us as parents to change the channel, teach them well, and take them for a bathroom break when A Passage To Bangkok's opening riff begins, if the subject matter doesn't meet our approval.
You are a great mom, Pan. Your children are lucky to have you.
Thanks, BBO! (May I call you Blue?

) I knew that Rush has done drugs, and I knew what the song was about, and I also realize the song is very popular, especially among those who use pot and/or other drugs. I was just hoping to never see the images I saw during the concert.

I think they could easily have played the song and made a video that was neither for or against its use--just neutral shots of them playing and similar graphics to those in other songs. (Heck, they could have shown trains! My hubby would love that!) It wouldn't have stood out from the other videos and nobody would have thought twice about it. However, what's done is done and the only thing I can do is educate and protect my kids the best way I know how. I hope any other parent would do the same!

Enchantment falls around me and I know I cannot leave...